♚ 𝒟𝑒𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃𝓈 ♚

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Aries: Usually hides it pretty well being the 'funny guy and all' until they literally snap, then it's a lot of isolation (out of fear of being seen as weak), crying, unnecessary temper tantrums, and lots of overthinking. But they always play it off like they're fine... even if they've reached the breaking point. 

Taurus: Lots of self loathing and unhealthy eating habits, whether that's eating too much or too little. And overall laziness, well more like a confused and unhealthy daze. 

Gemini: Has no motivation to do anything. Forgets to eat, drink, shower, even sleep sometimes. 

Cancer: Isolation, pushing people out, and more isolation. Don't want people to see them hurt or broken so they do the only thing they can, push them out and lock the metaphorical door.

Leo: Fueled by self doubt fear of not being enough or wanted. Results in lots of regrettable actions led by their doubts.

Virgo: Quiet. Doesn't do much. Just walks around in a daze looking like they just woke up. But in reality their thoughts are nothing but quiet.

Libra: Crying. One of the healthiest forms to dealing with loss of feeling. Luckily for them chances are friends and family are ready to jump in and assist. 

Scorpio: Results to anger as a way to feel something, anything. Lots of shouting, unjustified insults and grudges, and over all tantrums of rage.

Sagittarius:  Jokes about death a lot as a coping mechanism, which can lead to being over looked or being misunderstood.  

Capricorn: Starts to fall behind. For the first time in their life instead of being a head of the game they're behind, no motivation or energy to even attempt to catch up. Results in unmotivated days sat in front of the tv, numbing their mind as a way to forget. 

Aquarius: Reckless and Dangerous behavior. Aquarius tend to use adrenaline as a way to hide and try and combat depression. 

Pisces: Breaks. You could ask them a simple 'are you alright?' And they'd burst into tears. But in the end it's for the best as they are able to get to the root of the problem faster, then solving it.

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