"Stressful" Olivia answered. "I really don't want to talk about it."

"You just come from work?"

"I stopped home to read Noah a story, and put him to bed. Best part of my day."

"But your work day was stressful?"


"Olivia, I don't know how you do it. You have to deal with the lowest forms of life."

"And I help people, it's stressful but I love my job. How was your day?"

"I saved a kid today, so it was good. He was having a horrible asthma attack."

"He was lucky you were there. He Ok now?"

"Yes, he was very shaken up, but I calmed him down. How's Noah? "

"Good, he was a bit cranky tonight, but he'll be ok."

"Keep an extra close eye on him Olivia, It's a very nasty flu season, and he's at a higher risk because of his lug issues."

"I know." Olivia said. A wave of nervousness suddenly hit her, but she didn't let Dr. Taylor see it. She forced herself to smile. "I always take care of my son."

"Oh Olivia, I know you do, I just mentioned it, because I see this flu going around is particularly severe. Let's not talk about that now."

"I understand Brad, it's hard not to take your work home with you."

Brad gave her a full smile. "It is." He agreed. "You look stunning Olivia." She was wearing a black short sleeve A-line dress which covered her knees and was covered in white polka dots.

"Thank-you." She answered. Brad looked behind him to his tiny kitchen and got up. "I hardly ever get to cook anything." He said from the kitchen. "I made a Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto. I hope you like it."

"Sounds good. Can I help?"

"No, no don't be silly relax. You never have time to relax Olivia.. I want to give you that opportunity. The food is ready." Olivia walked to the dinning table and sat down slowly. Within moments all the food was on the table. and Brad was sitting across from her. They talked for 2 hours while they ate and drank iced tea. Brad talked for most of those 2 hours about the children he saved, his childhood, a documentary he saw on Boston, and the new travel book about Alaska he recently bought. When the meal was over, Brad quickly cleaned up. He stepped out of the kitchen, and within moments music filled the room.

"Olivia", please dance with me." Brad requested. She took his hand and walked to the middle of the room as the song Put Your Head On My Shoulder began to play. He held her and swayed to the music. Olivia's mind wandered. "You're amazing Olivia. You're the best there is." He whispered. Still dancing he kissed her check. He smelled her hair, and the song changed to How Deep Is The Ocean? He held her wrists. "Olivia, what are these?"She blinked, and quickly came back to reality. Dr. Taylor noticed her scars, and was now studying them. Why had she chosen a dress with short sleeves?

"It's an old injury, an old work injury. Olivia answered keeping any emotion out of her voice. "Brad, please let go of my wrists." He did as she asked and she was thankful.

""You know you can get rid of them with surgery." I can do some research, and refer you to someone."

"You don't have to do that."

"Olivia if I hurt your feelings I'm sorry. He pulled her into a hug. "I mean no disrespect, "You're so perfect . Why should you have to to look at those scars, to have them on your body if there's a medical way to take care of it? Olivia, you don't need a daily reminder of whatever terrible thing happened to you."

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