Darkness, Demons, and Dwemer

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Krem was feeling pretty good about himself despite the weather. A couple of Venatori bastards lay dead at his feet. The rush from the battle had warmed his body back up from the partial icicle it had become and his chief had now broken out the casks to celebrate another victory against the Teveniter extremists. Sure, he was covered in blood and he was fairly certain it was going to freeze to his body before the day was over but that was thinking too far ahead. Right now, he was just going to sit down around a fire with the rest of the Chargers and enjoy a not so fine drink with friends.

"How we looking, Cheif?"

"Like shit Krem." Bull replied, holding up the body of a former Venatori with one hand and going through the dead man's pockets with his other. "Not much money on these guys."

Krem poured himself a mug of ale from an opened cask and then another for Bull. "Well here's a drink for when you're finished."

Bull tossed the dead man away with a sigh and walked over to Krem. "You'd think we'd see something interesting by now."

"What were you expecting to find here?" Krem asked, looking around at the frozen town they had settled in and the surrounding snowy wasteland. "An ice dragon?"

Bull sighed. "Don't get my hopes back up Krem."

Krem laughed and took another drink. Bull grabbed his mug just as two more Chargers marched into view. Krem started filling two more cups "Skinner, Grim, catch any more of these bastards on the outskirts?"

"Most of them," Skinner answered, immediately going for the drink. "A few ran off into the hills but the cold should take care of them."

"Sloppy, Skinner." Bull chided. "I don't want us having a reputation on letting Venatori get away from us."

"Give me a break." Skinner shot back. "There's still plenty of the bastards around in the hills so we're not done yet." She looked over to the blonde man that had accompanied her back. " By the way, Grim found a stash of red lyrium a few miles north. We should send Rocky out to deal with it when he comes back." She took a gulp of her drink and made her way towards the fire as Grim grabbed his own cup from Krem.

"Good find Grim. Any Venatori at that lyrium site?" Krem asked.


"Thought so," Krem replied as Grim also moved towards the fire. Krem joined them as Bull held a small map of the area up to his face.

"Daliish and Rocky aren't back yet so there might be trouble."

"We sent them pretty far out." Krem reminded his chief. "And Maker knows what kind of shit's out here so they might've got held up."

Skinner smirked. "Maybe they're out fighting an ice dragon."

"That's twice now I've heard that joke," Bull groaned. "And I'm going to be pissed if it's true."

Krem chuckled and raised his up for another drink when he noticed the area around them growing darker. He wasn't the only one either, Skinner's eyes darted all around and Grim held his breath as Bull looked up towards the sky. "What in the fuck?" Bull asked.

There was a strange tone in his voice that made Krem anxious. He was thrown off, worried even. Krem looked up as well and noticed the previously blue and cloudy sky had blackened almost to the point it might as well have been night and the once blindingly white sun had taken on a dull, blood-colored tone to it. At the center of the sphere though, was a visible sentence.


Krem pulled his eyes back away from the message and over to his chief who still looked upwards. He noticed Skinner and Grim doing the same and their gazes grew even more curious as Bull looked back at them. He was just as lost as they were. "Well, that's not good." He said.

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