The Lost Hero

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As Hawke led their little group into the cave, Rayara came to realization that she might not be as enthusiastic about meeting this contact of his as she had been some time earlier. It wasn't that this dark, damp, moldering cave wasn't a charming locale for a secret rendezvous. No, the fault lay with their prolonged journey through Crestwood, a land that had far more problems than it deserved. From the fort held by a pack of annoyingly competent bandits, to the rift beneath the lake that had been waking the dead; from hostile Grey Wardens, to the mayor who flew the coop rather than face down his past actions; not to mention the dragon sightings that put locals in even more of a panic...all told, this was *not* the low-risk meeting place she had been hoping for.

Still, the journey hadn't been a total disaster. The Inquisition had dealt with the bandits and now secured their fort; the rift beneath the lake was sealed and the dead slept once more. The dragon...she'd get around to that eventually. And a note from Leliana had let her know that some of the Inquisition's agents were already on the mayor's trail. Most importantly, Hawke had proven both a powerful mage and a reliable ally. Not only had he guided them to their destination, but had gladly lent his aid to solving the problems they'd run into along the way. It appeared that Varric's stories about the man were, for once, more than just fanciful exaggeration

"And you doubted me..." Varric chuckled at the Inquisitor.

Rayara did her best to hide a smile as she defended herself. "I never doubted he was good, I just wanted to temper my expectations. You have been known to tell rather...*tall* tales."

Varric scowled, unamused.

Blackwall's light grunt held back a laugh. "Dwarf jokes? Are they not beneath you Inquisitor?" He realized his mistake as soon as it left his lips and looked apologetic at the author whose scowl now turned to him. "It was an accident, honest."

Hawke's laugh did wonders to lighten the mood. "Quit guilting him Varric, a man of your stature should be used to it by now. "

Just like that, Varric's scowl melted off his face, replaced with the same rougish smile that he often held both in Hawke's and the Inquisitor's company. "Always have to ruin my fun don't you?"

The two's laughs continued on down into the cave as Rayara fell back to the Grey Warden who still looked slightly guilty. "Hey." She gave him a friendly punch to the shoulder. "If you feel that bad about it, hire Sera to get at you on his behalf. That way you can all laugh about it."Blackwall's smile returned and the pair walked besides each other right after Hawke until they came to a walled off end of the cave.

Right next to a burning torch was a carved door that Hawke soon took to unlocking with a pair of lockpicks. Apparently being lifelong friends with a rogueish character like Varric had it's benefits. With a few clinks, the door flew open and the group moved inside. The room beyond was inhabited: torches lined the walls, illuminating barrels of water and food, clothing draped over chairs and a rough bed and crumpled on the floor, and a single desk in the center of the room that was covered with papers. One paper in particular bore the mark of the Grey Wardens: this was clearly the place. But, as Rayara stepped further in, searching the shadowy corners with her eyes, she saw no one there.

Just then, the door closed behind them. Rayara wheeled, her claymore instantly in her hands and readied, the tip already pointed towards the suddenly-revealed figure behind them. Someone's jumpy," the stranger chuckled. He was in his prime, late thirties to early forties, and wore a muddy Grey Warden uniform. He had quite the handsome smile, which he favored them with. "But that might've been my fault. I didn't think Crestwood would be that bad. Sorry you got held up."

Hawke immediately looked to Rayara. "Inquisitor, this my contact. Alistair."

Something clicked in the back of Rayara's mind causing her eyes to widen. "Wait, Alistair?" She looked back to the man with much more excitement int her smile. "The Alistair?"

Dragon Age Inquisition: Legend of the DovahkinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz