Scene 2 - Back Home

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Years later. The boy is much older. Old enough to stay on his own at home. Now, it is dark and late. The road is poorly lit, and a black saloon drives down the road fast. Driving down the single-lane road, and David and Lana Sherlock are driving back home. In a fabulous blue suit and a gorgeous red dress, they are returning from a night out together. Lana relaxes in the car.


That was the nicest meal out in a long time together, darling.


I know. When was the last time it was just us two? And I mean just us two?


Well, before Rhys was born. About six years ago. And that fish was divine.


You always marry a man who looks good, darling. Especially when they're in a suit.


I noticed the other men checking you out, Lana. In that striking red dress it makes all the other girls jealous.

She kisses him on the cheek.


I never like you driving down these roads, David.


Oh? Why?


Because it's dark and people go down here too fast.

In the opposite way, a small red car journeys down the road, an old woman at the wheel. Coming close behind is a grey sports car, coming in fast! And begins tailgating. The boy racers begin getting impatient and honk their horn.


Come on! MOVE IT!


It's probably an old person driving the scrap!


Old or not, they're in my way! And I wanna go fast down here! She's my baby!


Its dark down here, Max. You'd better watch out.


Where's your excitement in this, Glenn? We wanna go fast!


Not round the bend!


Ah, I don't see any lights up ahead! The old cripple is too slow and time they moved over!

The car accelerates past them and beginning to turn around the bend. Meanwhile, Lana shuts her eyes whilst David focuses on the road. Two sets of lights appear. As they go around the bend...



The black saloon swings to the left as the sports car crashes into the side of the vehicle. The two cars in the same direction immediately stop! However, the saloon careers down a massive hill, toppling and toppling, before running itself down and towards a tree. CRASH! KABOOM! The engine had blown up. Max and Glenn recover in the car.


Ooh. Ooh. What the hell did I tell you about going around that bend!


Did that just happen?


You idiot! You crashed us! GET OUT!

They jump out and check over at the damage, the old woman still shaking in fear in her car, still in her seat and refusing to move from it. The two men first rush down over the massively steep hill to check for the fallen car down below.


Is the old woman alright?


You tell me! The hill is pretty steep. Be careful. It could be a long drop.


Could they still be alive down there?


Stop asking so many stupid questions and get down there – for your sake!

BOOM! KABOOM! POW! Flames rocket and explode as the car is obliterated in the fire. And there would be absolutely no chance of survival. BANG!


Oh my... They've...


Max, what have you done! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!


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