R - Reminder Of The Dreaded

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R - Reminder Of The Dreaded

We searched and searched for different competitions, but we couldn't find any that could fit Jimin. By the end of February, I was on the verge of panicking.

I didn't have much time left, and I tried to spend as much time as I could with Jimin and the boys, going out to dinners with them or doing movie nights or sleepovers sometimes.

I could sense that they were noticing my panicking too but they chose not to say anything, because Jimin hardly left my side and I still hadn't told him.

There was no easy way to ease the idea of my death onto him, I realised. And that made it all the more difficult.

My time was coming near, and even my body was responding to it as I realised that day at work.

I was browsing through the clothes rack, checking if they were all placed correctly, because customers took them out and placed them at the ends always; I had to place them according to size.

"Um, (y/n)-ssi?" My co-worker's concerned voice made me turn around to look at him in question.

"Is something wrong, Minho-ssi?" I asked him. He bit his lip hesitantly as he shakingly rose his long index finger to point at my.... neck?

"There are blue lines on the back of your neck," he said, fear evident in his eyes. My eyes widened as my hand flew to my neck. I smiled, pretending it was nothing.

"Ah, I was babysitting my friend's kid yesterday and when I went to sleep, the little devil drew on my neck with a blue sharpie," I lied through my teeth so easily that even Minho seemed to believe me. "It's really nothing. I thought it would go by now. I guess I'll have to hide it."

I let open my bun of hair unwillingly; it would be hot with my hair open but I had to tolerate it if I didn't want anyone else knowing.

My disease was a really weird disease that was recently discovered. It was known as 'Painless Death' due to the fact that it supposedly left no pain or symptoms making it hard to detect earlier.

The symptoms I was experiencing now were the only symptoms which occured during the whole duration of the disease. They occured during the last three months and this was the first time I got them.

I realised that I need to visit Kyungsoo-oppa soon, because he had told me to come to him if the symptom starts showing when he had broke the news of my oncoming death to me.

I called Jin-oppa as soon as I got a five minute break. The phone rang six times before he finally picked up.

"Oh, (y/n), hello," he sounded breathless. "Sorry, I was busy. Didn't hear the phone; ran as fast as I could when my assistant told me. What's up?"

"Um, Jin-oppa," I said delicately, "Will you come with me to the hospital?"

"Hm? What's wrong?" Jin's voice was calm but the worry was present as soon as I said 'hospital', and I could feel it.

"I can't tell you over the phone," I said hesitantly. "It's okay if you can't make it, I understand-"

"No, no, it's okay, I can come," I could feel Jin-oppa smiling through the phone. "I'll tell Taehyung-ah and Jungkook-ah to go to your house to keep an eye on Jimin and to keep him busy. Namjoon will join them as soon as we're done with our work when we go to the hospital, yeah?"

"Yeah, umh, th- thanks," I felt overwhelmed that Jin-oppa was doing all this for me. When it came to friends, I had really lucked out. I had got the best friends in the world I could ever ask for. "Y- You do so much for me..."

"Aw, don't cry, honey," Jin's motherly tone seeped in as he cooed. "Look, we really love and care for you that's why we do this. Now, I'll finish work at 5:00, I'll be over at 5:30 to pick you up and we'll get an appointment for 6:00, how's that?"

"Perfect," I whispered, as the tears refused to stop and streamed down as I smiled at the bathroom mirror. "See you soon, oppa."

"Bye, honey, love you," Jin said to me.

"Love you too," I whispered and cut the call. I opened the tap and splashed some water on my face before I was refreshed to join back at work.


My work ended at 5:00 pm, so I said goodbye to my co-workers and decided to drop by Hoseok's shop before I went out of the mall we both worked at.

The elevator dinged announcing my arrival at the floor where Hoseokie worked and I found my feet leading me to the shop as I thought about today's events.

"Ah, (y/n)?" Yoongi's voice broke me out of my trance. I noted that I was already inside the shop and Hoseok was currently attending some customers, discussing a particular instrument. I could see his eyes glance over at me every now and then and I smiled in reassurance.

I turned to Yoongi, who had stopped playing and was looking at me. I neared the piano he usually played on but currently wasn't.

"Hey, how're you?" I asked quietly.

"I'm doing...," Yoongi shrugged, opting to not say anything more. "What about you?"

"I'm going to the doctor," I said lowly, gulping. "The symptoms are showing. My eyes ran around the room and when I was sure nobody was looking, I gently tilted my head and moved the hair to show Yoongi my neck. "See the blue lines?"

"They're really, really faint," Yoongi pointed out. I let my hair back to their original place.

"They were prominent before," I said. "They disappear after some time, but come back without any warning, and Kyungsoo-oppa asked me to visit if they appeared."

"Hm...," Yoongi just watched me with sad eyes, his beanie twitching, showing that his ears were twitching. "Hoseok has something to say to you."

"Oh, sure, I'll just-" I turned around and nearly screamed when I saw Hoseok standing really, really close to me– so close, I bumped into his chest. "Hoseok-oppa! Don't scare me like that!"

He grinned as he had caught me by my elbows.

"Sorry, but we have good news!" He said. I smiled. "We found a competition for Jimin to participate in."

"Wah- really?" I brightened up; there was hope. Hoseok nodded excitedly.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait to see Jimin perform," he said. "It's contemporary dance competition, but it's kinda big- well, it's national. And it will have regionals on 15 April, Elimination on May 10 and Finals on June 6."

My smiled dropped at the dates. I was going to pass somewhere around the start of June. I quickly brought my smile up again.

"That's good!" I said, excitedly. "Send me the details so that Chim and I can look it all up and plan, yeah? An-"

My phone dinged and I stopped talking. Jin had sent me a message that he was waiting.

"I gotta go," I explained to Hoseok who gave me a questioning look. "Yoongi, tell him what I told you."

Yoongi nodded as I ran out the shop all the way to the parking lot.

Maybe it won't be so much of a bad ending.


Words: 1254

Updated/Published On:
17th January 2020

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