P - Precious People

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P - Precious People

I entered the adoption house, a place where many different kinds of hybrids stay while waiting for a adoption. The small tinkle of a bell announced my entrance and it was immediately followed by some barks and a small whiny noise. I giggled as I stepped on the fluffy carpet that they had placed everywhere on the floor. A woman who looked to be in her thirties rushed up to me and bowed down. I bowed back.

"Hello! Welcome to Precious!" She gave me a tired smile, wiping her hands on her apron. "How can I help you?"

"Ah, please take it easy," I said to her gently, placing an arm on her shoulder. "There's no need to be worried. Are you okay?"

"Yes, just been a busy day," she smiled, but I could see her feel good for asking about her. "Please, how can I help you, ma'am?"

"I would like to adopt a hybrid," I said. She nodded and walked to their front desk, pulling out a register. "It's my first time, so I'm open for suggestions and tips on handling."

"Of course!" She wrote down the date. "Your preference of animal, ma'am?"

"Actually I want the hybrid that has been.... here for some time and nobody has taken them," I tried to explain. "Somebody who needs love, y'know?"

"Oh," she paused, looking at the ceiling. She seemed to be thinking about it hard and hesitated before speaking, "Well, I guess there is one... But if you don't feel like taking him after I introduce you to him, we understand."

"Sure!" I said cheerfully, even if I had decided in my mind that no matter what, I will take him in. "Shall we go?"

"Yes," she started walking to the passage on the right (there was one to the left as well) after keeping the register in it's place. I followed her for quite some time before she spoke up. "He's a dog hybrid, and he's been with us for over 6 months now. Not really that long, considering we have had ones who stayed for years, but he sticks out a lot."

"Does he have a name?" I asked hopefully. She nodded.

"His name is Park Jimin," she informed me and stopped when we reached a door. She opened it and beckoned me inside. I saw four 'cages' inside and immediately felt bad for them. But inside, there were full rooms with beds or mattresses and tables with plates of food, so I felt relieved. She went to the one at the left end and called me closer.

Inside, there was a mattress, upon which, an orange haired dog hybrid slept quietly. His hair and ears looked fluffy and I wanted to pet him when I saw him dig deeper into the blanket.

"That's Jimin," she said. "He's 24, and he's been through a lot. We don't really recommend him to the new owners, because they don't want a troublesome option..."

"What happened to him?" I asked her worriedly, my hands resting on the cold bars. I saw his ears twitch and understood that he was awake and listening.

"He was raised in a fighter's house, where he was trained along with several others to fight. They were starved and mistreated, made to do many things that they didn't want to and Jimin escaped when he was 20. But the owners found him and punished him a lot and he was rescued only a year ago. After the procedures, he was sent here and you see, he's very... shy and timid. He can get very aggressive at times and kind of high maintenance for new owners, and we don't want to burden them so we never suggest Jimin. Are you still ready to adopt him?"

"Of course!" I replied instantly. I ignored the swish of his soft tail and looked her straight in the eyes fiercely. "I'm ready to adopt him. What do I need to do?"

"Well, if you're sure," she sounded unsure. "Follow me please. I will get you the papers and start the preparation for his leaving. You want to take him home today or tomorrow?"

"Today," I said immediately as we both stepped out of the room. We went out and I filled up all the forms and did the signatures after giving the documents a quick read. "And.... Done! So, can I take him home now?"

"Yes, he's here," the woman smiled behind me and I turned around to find a half-sleepy looking cute orange-haired man in a faded loose shirt and grey fitting sweatpants. "All yours, ma'am!"

"Yup," I said proudly, walking towards him with what I hoped was a warm smile. "Hi, I am (l/n) (y/n). It's lovely to meet you, Jimin. We are the same age, so you can just call me (y/n)."

"Not mistress?" He asked quietly. My smile dropped as I looked at him in question. "Not lady (y/n)?"

"Nope, I'll be your (y/n), and you'll be my Jimin," I said to him with a fresh smile. He blinked, as if I wasn't real. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, noticing the way he flinched but didn't say anything. "Okay, we must take our leave now!"

The woman nodded, smiling at the two of us kindly as we left the adoption house. I called a taxi and took Jimin to my apartment. The whole ride, he was silent and didn't say a word. I didn't want to be annoying so I didn't say anything either. Decided to give him some space.

When we reached, I took him inside and showed him around the house, and yet he didn't say a word. I was worried, so I placed him on the couch and sat across him.

"Why won't you speak?" I asked him, pouting slightly. He flinched again.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, curling up into himself a little. "Please don't punish me. I will do whatever you want."



Words: 1001

Updated/Published On:
1st November 2019

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