A Failed Attempt

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Jin stood in the back of the room with a very tall vampire- one who possessed an inherently, sharp jawline and eyes that could kill if arched just the right way. Joo-hyun and Jaehwan were on all fours in the center, foreheads to the ground with velvet cloaks clipped to their backs. Situated up front was a panel of five, Sung Hoon sat in the middle and looking very, very angry.
He was the first to greet them upon Irene's and Jin's exit from the hospital and entry into what was funnily named the "Brood Way". She had offered to go quietly but the man had been too angry to listen and had both of them dragged off for an immediate Judgment.
"As a man of knowledge, you know better. What made you believe attacking the patient and promising to tell our secrets was a good idea? Did you feel invincible? Did you think you wouldn't receive a punishment because of your position?"
Said man shifted his weight to his toes and fingertips, balancing himself in a crouch to look up and speak. "I lost my temper. I was only trying to keep him in the hospital but he attempted to escape-."
"If you'd left everything as it were, he wouldn't have tried anything." Hoon continued. "Where's your head, Jaehwan?"
Irene tilted her head to look and smiled. Jaehwan looked in distress as he refused to meet anyone's eyes. He'd always enjoyed torturing his patients to a certain degree and it was time he got caught.
He noticed her stare and returned the gesture in secret. "Don't think I forgot about what happened at the hospital." He hissed.
"Don't think I did that for free."
"No, you only made the situation worse. That was a t-."
"Do you care to share?" A second man questioned, pulling both vampires back to the Council.
"No, sir." Jaehwan answered with a bow of his head.
"Joo-hyun," Said woman sat up and apologized, her attention on the Council. "Who said you could go to the hospital?"
She sat back on her heels, hands clenched in fists as they rested on her thighs. "I had to."
"Joo-hyun!" Jisoo slammed a hand on the table, looking desperate. "Once you've been dismissed or quit, you can't return without clearance. Why do you do this to yourself?"
Joo-hyun bit her lip, eyes on the sister she forgot had protected her all these years. "I'm sorry, but when Jaehwan-."
"We know all about Jaehwan." Hoon started with a wave of his hand, looking rather proud of himself before turning his focus back on the woman below.
"Excuse me?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Actually, maybe she could. This was Sung Hoon after all. "What he's done is criminal-!"
"And what would you propose we do? He's an important asset to this brood and to you-."
Irene turned her head, furious and confused. "Important to me? How convenient that the Pundit is suddenly more than just a walking book."
"We didn't make that decision with convenience in mind." Jisoo answered from the side. "I can't help you and it's apparent you can't help yourself. Jaehwan will observe and tutor you and you will do as he instructs."
The aforementioned man had his head bowed, hiding the grin from everyone but her.
She was tempted to get up and run out of the room but that would only prove their point. "Is there no one else? Hakyeon is still here, isn't he? Why can't he-?"
"He has his own matters to tend to." Irene didn't argue any more. Anything else would all be shut down.
"When do you want me to start?" Jaehwan asked smoothly, eyes filled with faux concern and curiosity as he raised his head high.
The Council looked amongst themselves and moments later, as if having read each other's minds, spoke through Sung Hoon: "We can go over that in my office."
"Thank you," Jaehwan bowed his head again, mirth dancing in his voice.
"Taekwoon," Hoon called to the vampire in the back of the room as the group gathered their papers. "Take Jin downstairs. I'm sure he'll be quite happy there with the others."
Joo-hyun turned around to look at the man she had Bonded with. He looked terrified. "You'll be fine, I promise." She mustered in a stable voice. She didn't get to see him off because she was called back to the front.
"If I hear of anymore disrespect towards Jaehwan, I might be open to punishing you myself."
"Sung Hoon, sir-." With her face back to the stone, ready to beg with every fiber, she felt wronged and angered. They knew how she felt about Jaehwan but instead of "tutoring" her with an admirable vampire, they chose him of all people. Were they trying to set her up?
"You're dismissed."
"I wouldn't have-." The noticeable crunch of paper caught her attention and looking up, she saw the last of Jisoo exiting out the side door of the platform. There was no talking now. No more convincing or lying to be done.
"You're dismissed, Joo-hyun."
Irene timidly climbed to her feet and faced the remaining four members. "I'm sorry." She bowed ninety degrees, waiting for a response.
"You say that, but I guarantee you'll be back." Sung Hoon answered in a tired and whiny voice leaned comfortably in his chair. "Now, why don't you wait outside my office?"
Joon-hyun's heart raced as she straightened her back and looked down to see Jaehwan tapping his ear and holding himself as if to restrain. Of course. It made her feel a little better- seeing him struggle to contain his hunger- but still, to know he could punish her however he wanted was terrifying. It sounded no different to what he'd done in the past but if he let go and she sustained injury, there'd be no questions. It absolutely terrified her.

Sung Hoon

Sung Hoon

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