Chapter 30

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Kurt's pov

Turns out whatever was in that Slushie nearly blinded Blaine,I kind of wished that Slushie hit me instead of Blaine. Blaine went to hospital and is absolutely fine, he hasn't come to school all week which honestly I don't blame him, he's been at home resting and today Finn, Rachel and I are going to visit him after school.

After school Finn, Rachel and I all meet up to go to Blaines we all got him some little gifts to cheer him up and we are going to catch him up of what he had missed with Glee club.

"DIBS ON THE DOG!" I yell jumping on Rachel's bed seeing fourteen different stuffed Animals Finn won for her Rachel declared she needed to get rid of them so I volunteered to get rid of them :')
Rachel laughs "You can have the dog then Kurt,"
I cheer "YESSSS BLAINE WILL LOVE HIM I'm going to call him Margaret Thatcher dog," I put on a British accent... Kinda. "I braught some Dvds for Blaine to watch if he's ever bored," Finn said. "Any Romance?" I asked looking through the pile. "No Kurt," Finn chuckled taking the pile off me.
"And I got him some crounuts as you told me how much he loves them," Rachel said. I giggle "He does love his Crounuts,"

We all go to Blaines house and Pam let's us all in to see Blaine I knock on his door gently "Who is it?" Blaine asked.  I open the door and we all walk in seeing Blaine wearing an eye patch and almost immediately Blaines face lit up "Kurt!" I run over to him and give him a hug kissing him all over his face I've missed him that much!
"Aw I missed you all so much!" Blaine hugs me tight and Pecks me on the lips. "I did too," I pout.
"We braught you gifts," Rachel cheers. I laugh and take out Margaret thatcher dog "Hello I'm Margaret Thatcher Dog my relationship with the Queen was Woof!"

"He wouldn't stop doing that voice," Finn said.
"That voice is a BRITTISH ACCENT FINN!" I snap. Blaine laughs making me smile "I love it and I especially love your Brittish Accent," he leans in and we kiss again. "I baught a collection of Dvds," Finn said "Incase you get bored," Blaine looks at the pile "I know no ROMANCE I MEAN THAT IS A CRIME!" I gasp.
"I love these movies and Kurt I only watch Romance with you," Blaine said... Fair enough.
"And TA DA Crounuts!" Rachel passes Blaine a box of Crounuts and he hugs it to his chest "That is AMAZING!" We all chuckle and Blaine puts the presents to his bedside table.
"I'm so gutted I'm not going to do Michael with you guys," Blaine pouts.
"Actually we aren't doing Michael," I said holding his hand. "What Why not?" Blaine asked.
"Because What Sebastian did was awful and we've said if all of this is for the king of pop it isn't worth it," I said. Blaine Sighs "Damn it," he mutters. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just wanted to really piss Sebastian off I mean wouldn't it be great if we do things he wanted to do? If he was nice I'd let him do it but he is HORRIBLE I mean Minnie mouse, Princess what are those names and you aren't offended?" Blaine asked. I shrug "I'm used to it Blaine I had that growing up in fact people think I'm my Mum on the phone and I say Nope she's dead this is her son," I said "But I get what you mean,"

Rachel gets up from her seat and gets out a Michael Jackson CD "Because you really miss Michael... We're giving Michael to you," she said. I smile as the music starts to play and we all sing:
"Kurt: Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone, and you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me
Rachel: Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind and don't like what you find
There's something you should know, you've got a place to go
I used to say I and me, now it's us, now it's we
I used to say I and me, now it's us, now it's we
Finn: Ben most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to'
I'm sure they'd think again if they had a friend like Ben
A friend like Ben
(Like Ben)
Kurt: Like Ben, "

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