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I wasn't lying when I said something was coming.... prepare yourself for the next chapter ;)

and no it's not that, its a plot line omg.


Hold you till the morning.

We made our way into the city, passing by all the sights. I was almost convinced they were leading us on a tour, because halfway through we took a shortcut through the Museum of Wakandan History.

We had just made it to the Royal Palace, when Okoye showed us to our room.

"Your quarters," she said, pointing to the door in front of us, "you are to wait here until King T'Challa is ready to see you."

"This is only one room," I said, rubbing the back of my head, "I think there's been a mista-"

"We are under no impression that you two have not slept in the same room," she said, "you are together, are you not?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then there should be no confusion. Feel free to walk around the area, but do not leave the premises."

She turned her back on us, and strode down the long hallway. My cheeks were flushed and pink, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Peter and I slept in the same room, sometimes, but never really on purpose.

"I need to sit down," Peter whispered, tapping his reactor.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "when was the last time you changed it?"

"Twenty-four hours," he said, "something like that."

"For christ sakes, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought we were going to get the vibranium as soon as we got here!"

"Come on, we're fixing this," I said, pushing him into the room.

Great, I should have expected it. One bed. I pretended not to notice, made a beeline towards where I left my suitcase. Peter sat down on the mattress, and unscrewed the reactor while I grabbed tweezers and a vial of Palladium.

"Ready?" I asked, popping off the lid.

"Hopefully this will be the last time we do this," he said, "not that I mind you helping me, but it's weird."

"I'm literally shoving poison into your chest, of course it's weird."

"Can we just get it over with?"

"Right, yeah."

I carefully extracted some of the metal, and lowered it into the reactor's container. Peter winced when I hit his skin with the cold tweezers, and I mumbled an apology as I took out the decaying cover.

"You're done," I said, "feel better?"

"A lot."

"Good," I said, turning around to put everything back in my suitcase.

I scrunched my forehead at the recurring thought of sleeping in the same bed as Peter for roughly three days, because it would become awkward after a while. After years of being alone, sleeping in the same bed as someone was still new. I just hoped he didn't notice quite yet.

"You know there's only one bed, right?" He said as soon as I stood up.

"There is?" I blurted out, taken aback by the fact that he seemed to have read my mind.

"Yeah," he mumbled, "but I know you don't really like to share a bed with anyone, so I can sleep on the floor."

"No, I'll sleep on the floor! You're the one with a hole in your chest."

"How does that have anything to do with sleeping on the floor?"

"I don't know! I just want you to be comfortable!"

"Just take the bed, Y/N!"


"Well I'm not going to take it!"

"So we're both supposed to sleep on the floor?!"

"Yeah, I guess so!"

"What's the point?" I argued back, "Just sleep in the bed with me then!"

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut when he heard what I said. There was no point in arguing over something so small, and besides, all we would be doing was sleep.

"I can?" He said softly, "are you sure?"

"Yes, Peter, I am."

"I promise I won't make it awkward!"

"You already did," I said, ruffling his hair.

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