Willow is back finally. I am sitting in the living room sofa reading a magazine, she plops down next to me "Where's everyone?" I look at her, she looks so refreshed.

   I am sitting in the living room sofa reading a magazine, she plops down next to me "Where's everyone?"  I look at her, she looks so refreshed

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I am so caught up in her beauty that I am just staring at her. She repeats again "Where's everyone Milo?" I answer "Well my mom is out with Frank and your dad is out golfing." She raises her brow "And you are watching the twins all on your own." I smile like a proud dad "Yes I am. I did good too. Of course my mom fed them and put them to bed before she headed out. Now you are back, I get an extra pair of hands to help with the boys." She laughs "Good job Milo... I didn't know you had it in you." I cock my head to the side and look into her beautiful blue eyes "How did it go last night?" She looks down at her finger, the one with the engagement ring "He proposed. I said yes." I know I'm not supposed to be sad but I am now I see the ring on her finger "Your dad told us last night. My mom was not very happy." She lets out a small sigh "Sorry Milo... I'll talk to her when I see her. I'm going to go change real quick and check on the boys. You want to watch a movie on Netflix after?" I give her my signature smile "Yes and no horror movies please. They are all the same." She gets up and makes a face at me "You know I love horror movies. I think you are just too scared to watch it. Are you afraid of ghost Milo? You afraid you will be too scared to go pee in the middle of the night?" I get up so fast from the sofa and I am standing so close to her, I whisper in her ear "Yes I'm so scared of ghost shorty. I might need you to sleep with me tonight." Her face turns pink "I'm going to be married soon Milo. You need to stop talking to me like that. It is very very inappropriate." I held my hands into tight fists "Do not say that word in front of me again shorty." She looks at my fists and she rolls her eyes playfully "Oh Milo... Don't get mad because you can't get the girl." She points finger like gun to her side temple and stick out her tongue before she walks away. I slowly shake my head and a evil grin form on my face.


As Adrian

My client decided to get a massage from this Chinese massage parlor. There are a lot of things that are only between my clients and I. There are some Chinese massage parlors that has special services. And the one we are at, is one of them. I am lying on my stomach as the petite Chinese girl is straddled on top of me. She might be tiny but she has strong hands. I ask her "How old are you sweetheart?" She answers softly "I'm eighteen." I smirk "Barely legal huh." She continues to knead on my shoulders from left to right. This massage is so much needed after last night. Willow worn me out and I didn't even have to use the 'happy' pill on her. I am so glad that she is smart enough to know what is for her own good. Her willingness last night proved to me that she was ready to be with me. I knew she would come to her senses. But how could she not, she knows I have videos of her. The petite Chinese girl is now pressing her hand on my lower back putting just the right pressure "You are so good. What's your name? I will ask for you the next time I'm back." She answers softly "Ai Lynn." I tell her "That's a really sweet name Ai Lynn." She gets off me and gestures for me to turn around. I only have a towel covering my bottom part. I look at her and she looks so young "Are you sure you are eighteen?" She looks at me wide eyed "Yes I am eighteen. I just look very young for my age." She is really tiny "Do you have a boyfriend Ai Lynn?" She shakes her head "No... I don't have a boyfriend." I ask her "Are you a virgin Ai Lynn?" She nods "Yes I am." I am so turn on by now and I grab her forearm "Tell me Ai Lynn... is there a price?" She knows exactly what I mean "I'll go get Nancy." She leaves the room and I lie there thinking to myself 'Willow is no virgin and what is so wrong to have myself a virgin before I get married.'

Nancy is the massage parlor owner and she comes in "It will be three thousand dollars." I look at her "I will be paying in cash." She lets out a dry laugh "Enjoy."

Hell yes... I'm going to enjoy myself. This is going to be a little bachelor party for myself. I look at Ai Lynn again.... she is my little engagement present to myself.

 she is my little engagement present to myself

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As Milo

I am just going to have a relaxing day/night with Willow and the twins. After she comes out from her shower and changes into something comfortable I follow her into the twins room. They are awake now and they are just smiling. They are such awesome babies. I adore them.

  I adore them

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As Willow

Suddenly I feel arms wrapping around me from behind and I know it's Milo "They are so beautiful shorty." My heart is melting "They are. Look at them. They are such good babies. I know Liz is watching them from above." I start to tear up again thinking about Liz... she should be here to watch her boys grow up. Milo presses the side of his cheek against my side temple "She is their angel... they know. We will make sure they know how beautiful their mom was." I have such strong emotion overwhelming me still "I wish they would catch the person that killed Liz already. This is just not fair." He inhales deeply "I know shorty... in time. Karma is a bitch and everyone will get what they deserved at the end." I turn around and we are not far apart now "I don't want to wait too long Milo. I cannot wait." I can see the anger and the emotional turmoil in her eyes "Shorty... trust me. Nobody can get away without paying for their mistakes." I know for a fact that Milo is saying this from the bottom of his heart... nobody ever NOT get caught. I pick up Madox "Milo yo... time to feed the boys." I look at him as he carefully picks up Matthew from the crib "Let's do this daddio." He gives me that sexy sexy grin again "Okay mommy... let's roll."

Surprisingly Milo and I were like pros. We fed the boys, burped the boys, changed their diapers and put them to bed. It was such a wonderful experience and I was enjoying every minute of it. The fact that it was only Milo and I alone made it even better. We are finally ready to watch a movie... horror movie. We have wine, cheese and crackers ready. I find the movie "I know what you did last summer." He is not pleased "C'mon shorty... this movie is lame." I give him a sharp stare "SO? You have other suggestions?" He shrugs "Whatever you like shorty." I know Milo would never ... I mean never disagree with me when it comes to movies... food nor songs.

We made popcorn and we were drinking beer. This is life I tell ya. I was resting at the end of the couch while Milo was at the other end. My legs were rested on top of his legs somewhat entwined. I thought of something mischievous and I started wriggling my toes circulating his crotch. He grabs my foot and screams "STOP IT." I laugh so hard "Stop what?" He goes on top of me "I am telling you shorty Grayson... you stop this RIGHT now." I lower my hand to his crotch and he is hard "Do you really want me to stop?" I reach beyond his pants inside his boxers "You are so fucking hard ass Milo." I am about to pleasure him and the lights come on "Kids... what are you doing?"

Oh my god... it's Amelia. Milo and I start laughing so hard....

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