James's eyebrows rose involuntarily, "that's impressive, people from there usually go to the British Eventing team."

Harper laughed, "not at my level, we've won junior nationals though."

"Good session today, you and Robin are a very good pair." James patted Robin on the shoulder.

Harper thanked him with a smile and headed toward the gate, still mounted on Robin's back. She headed into the fields that led towards Holloway, she walked him most of the way and enjoyed the scenery of the island. It was beautiful in the summer and it would likely be just as beautiful in the winter with a blanket of snow. Robin loved to roll around in the snow, as they got a fair amount in the winter where they used to live.

After around twenty minutes, the first sign for Holloway appeared. She walked Robin over to where she had tied him up last time, she left her hat and scrunchie on the fence post as she probably wouldn't be gone long.

Harper walked under the arch way that led into the very, very fancy yard. There were a few people walking around with what seemed to be their grooms. She looked around for a moment before she spotted Gabby and Pin walking out of what was most likely the tack room.

"Hey Pin," Harper called when she caught Pin's eye, "can I grab you for a while?"

Pin smiled and walked towards her, "I'm free for the rest of the afternoon, I'm all yours."

"Grab your hat, I've got Robin."

Pin nodded and went to grab his hat, which left Harper with Gabby.

Gabby turned towards her, she was a few inches shorter than Harper, "So you're the Harper that Pin never shuts up about, it's nice to properly meet you this time. I'm Gabby." Harper shook her outstretched hand.

"Thank you for looking out for Pin here, makes me happy that he has a friend."

"It's no problem, he's pretty cool." Gabby shifted her weight on her feet, "I just worry that he might forget about what he did before he came here."

Harper's smile iced over slightly, "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean it harshly, just I returned some of his Brightfields stuff earlier." Gabby commented as she looked behind her, "just hope he doesn't try and forget you."

Before Harper could form a reply, Pin walked back over to the two girls and laced his fingers with Harpers. She stood there silently for a few moments as Pin said goodbye to Gabby and led Harper away from the yard.

She was shaken from her thoughts when Pin squeezed her hand gently, Harper had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realised that Pin had said something to her. There weren't nice images that were being created in her head.

Pin rolled her eyes, "I was just asking what you and Gabby were talking about. You didn't look very happy when I came over."

"Oh." Harper said before she hopped onto Robin's back, after she put her hat on, using the wall that Robin was tied next to. "She really wasn't the nicest to me."

Pin's arms wrapped around her waist after he hopped onto Robin's back, he had left his jacket at Holloway and was just wearing one of his undershirts, "what did she say?"

Harper encouraged Robin into a walk and set them down the path, "she said that you were going to forget all about me and Brightfields. It's a bit stupid but..."

He squeezed her a little tighter, "I just gave back a couple of old feed logs and vet books, she's just trying to get into your head."

Pin rested his head on her shoulder and gave her cheek a quick peck, "I'll talk to her, and you know that I will never, ever forget you."

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