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I woke up on this Saturday morning. Finally the weekend. I turned to face a beautiful sight. Kellin was laying right next to me. He was awake too. He smiled at me.

"Morning cutie" I smiled.

"Mornin" he smiled back.

I put my hand around his neck and started fiddling with his hair. He was adorable.

"Vic, I have a question" he said.

I felt butterflies come alive in my stomach. Uh Oh.

"Yeh sure ask away" I faked smiled.

"What are we ?" he asked.

Relief flooded me but then the question hit me. What the fuck are we ? We just ended up hitting it off after his ex boyfriend ended up a psychopath in reality.

"What do you want us to be ?" I asked.

"I want us to be together. As boyfriends" he smiled.

"Boyfriends it is" I smiled back.

We laid in bed for nearly the whole day just relaxing and staring into each other's eyes.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but how are you gonna sabotage Andy ?" he asked.

"I have a lawyer friend that will offer to fight for his freedom in court BUT!" I said whilst pointing my finger, I'll tell him to do a really shit job so he will be for sure locked up away for a long time"

"Smart but it sounds a bit too cruel" he said wearily.

"The man tried to kill us" I debated.

Kellin paused.

"Get his white ass in jail" he smiled.

It was settled. Let's get revenge on this asshole.

When The Cameras Aren't Rolling (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now