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The hot water coming from the shower head felt nice on my body. Kellin was in the shower next to me. Water running down his hot body. I bit my lip and stared. He glanced at me.

"Can you not ?" he said coldly.

"Does your boyfriend know what you do for a job ? Like does he agree with you fucking other guys ?" I asked.

He gave me a harsh look. "He knows and he doesn't mind. As long as it's only for work" He said.

"Oh alright" I said as I emptied some shampoo into my hand. I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed it in.

"Well I'm single" I said with a flirtatious voice and a wink.

He sighed. "Well I'm not" he said with annoyance.

"That a shame. I wouldn't mind fucking you outside of this job" I said with a wink.

His eyes widened in shock. I just smiled.

"Erm..I'm gonna go" he stuttered. "You need stop whatever this is your doing" he said demandingly.

He grabbed his thinks and ran into the changing rooms. I immediately felt embarrassed with what just happened. Over confidence flooded me for some reason. I felt really shy and embarrassed. I wonder if his boyfriend works here. Why else would he accept what he does. Maybe his a porn star like us.

__ _

I was about to leave but decided to check the notice board for what's happening tomorrow. I saw a paper on top of the roster reading:


Actors was a discreet way of saying porn star. I was curious to find out what it was about. Nothing came to mind. I guess I will find out tomorrow. I grasped the familar doorknob and got in my car and drove to Starbucks.

I walked and and the first thing I saw was a new notice board hanging up.

I looked at Jenna and asked"Hey Jenna, what's with this notice board ?"

"Boss wanted it so the community can reach out to people. God knows what his been sniffing" She laughed.

"Check it out if you want"

I walked over and looked around. There was a sperm donation advertisement. Something about 'Bigger Penises'. I quietly laughed to myself. A guitar for sale and a fluorescent post it note reading:

'Kellin Quinn, Professional Porn Star. Call the number below to contact.

Available for any acting jobs.


Why his was advertising here was beyond me but I saw an opportunity arise. I HAVE HIS NUMBER ! I quickly typed the number down in my phone.

"Kellin...Are you typing the number for bigger penises...?" She said slowly and laughed.

I giggled and turned. "No..I'm erm taking down this number for a porn star."

"Oh alright" She said disappointed I didn't play along with her joke.

"I'll have a Strawberries and Cream grande frap" I ordered.

"Comin right up !"

When The Cameras Aren't Rolling (Kellic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora