"You've all done so much for me, too much for me." I bowed my head in embarrassment once more. I couldn't ask for anything more. I felt like such a burden.

"Stop that. I promise you, we need you more than you could ever need us."

I looked up, and he met my eyes. He meant that in full honesty, and I believe him just as much. I wonder how he works at the firm when he does, everyone must fall in love with him.

"C'mon, let's eat this on your balcony, and enjoy the fresh air."

I could literally feel my ears perk up. "I have a balcony?" I questioned excitedly. I've always, always, always, wanted a balcony. And sure, this experience enough these past 2 days have been a fantasy of its own, but to know I have a balcony just took me over the moon.

"You have a balcony." He confirmed. "You have a great view of the forest and the gardens outside. Open the windows for me."

I ran to the windows that made up a wall in my bedroom, and to my astonishment, they opened like doors instead of windows. Maybe I was too excited to notice it yesterday. When I opened the doors, there was indeed a balcony. A fairly spacey one at that, it looked straight out of a castle. The theme was ivory, and to our right was a table for 3, outlooking the backyard, if you could really demise it as that. Nicholas set down the tray on the table, and smiled at me, as I smiled at the scenery.

"It's so beautiful here, how could anyone get tired of this."

"Well, it's beautiful on this side anyway. It's what she would have loved."

She? Come to think of it, Karin had told me she had decorated this room for someone; and that it would have been what she had in mind if only she had still been with them. It must have been the same person. Nicholas must have read my mind as he responded with a turn away answer.

"It's not important, come on, you need to eat."

I walked over and sat down, time passing by slowly. Nicholas took a cup, and filled it with iced tea, the condensation commencing immediately in the warm humid air. He perched the glass to my side.

"Thank you." I responded.

"You're welcome. I'm sorry if my brother was intrusive at dinner or at all yesterday, you know what they say; twins are always polar opposites." He said with a smile.

"Oh! Yesterday evening, Eden came for me at the House, Nadia was gone and so was Michael. I was worried since I didn't see her before I left, do you know if they, well, if they—"

"They went out, yes." He responded calmly, clearly sensing how awkward asking such a question could make me. "They went out, and it must have been one hell of a date considering Michael came back happier than I've ever seen him."

Hearing that, I was happy, but also curious. Michael was a good man, warm and welcoming; and Nadia was the same. My curiosity stemmed to how well this date went. Of course, I was happy for Nadia, she deserved the absolute best, but I couldn't help and feel like a mom.

"I also wanted to apologize on Eden's behalf, he doesn't mean to come off as so rude. He's had...quite a life." He seemed to struggle to find how to put it.

I debated telling about our time together last night, but decided against it. It wasn't my business to go around and speak of his personal life.

"He doesn't seem like a bad person at heart, so in my eyes, he's kind." I assured.

Nicholas and I spent just under an hour eating, and commenting on the scenery. He told me about the gardens below, which Karin tended to, and offered to take me on a tour later today. Before we knew it, it was a quarter before 1. Once we were finished eating, Nicholas collected the utensils and took off with the tray before I could help him.

The Weapon, The Crown and SpringDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora