Weapons Distribution By the Weird Girl

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Richard POV

I had no idea what the hell was going on. Our teacher and his wife were fighting some donkey-woman and clearly weren't winning. That quiet girl, Hazel, had defied our expectations and taken charge of the situation. She seemed like a completely different person. When I looked at her, the normally soft golden eyes were hard and bright.

"Come on!" she yelled, already shoving Lenny out the window. Ashley and I raced to the window. I helped her through first. She'd just hopped out when we heard a shriek. Hazel and I turned to see our teacher with a knife in his side. Hazel looked saddened for a second, but refocused. Violet was on the other side, in shock. She snapped out of it quickly when the monster turned back to us. Violet slide the colorful knife I recognized as Mr. Davies's towards us. Hazel scooped it up and handed it to me, drawing a black-bladed knife instead. Violet waved us away though. Hazel nodded to her once and grabbed my hand, pulling me behind her. We jumped out the window and Hazel slid it closed behind us. Ashley and Lenny were wide eyed a few feet away.
"Is he going to be okay?" Ashley was anxious, fiddling with her hands.

"We need to go." Hazel said stiffly, leading us to the car Violet described. She unlocked it and pulled out another rainbow dagger and a long, golden sword. She eyed Lenny and Ash before she gave the dagger to Lenny and the sword to Ash. Ash looked at her with wide eyes. 

"Why do I get the sword?" She sounded terrified. 

"Yeah, why does she get the sword?" Lenny protested. Hazel rolled her eyes. 

"Because Lenny's body is smaller and better adapted to a small dagger, while Ashley has the upper arm strength to wield a sword properly. Face it Lenny, you'd drop it just holding it within a minute." She flatlined. Ashley and I could barely hold in our laughter. When she was serious, Hazel really didn't sugar coat things.

"Savage." Ash whispered to me. She had her new sword with it's point on the ground- the hilt resting casually in her hand. She looked like she was born to hold a sword. I eyed the dagger in my own hand. Mr. Davies's dagger- my new dagger, was much smaller than the one Lenny held, even if it were a similar blade. I was surprised to find the hilt fit perfectly in my hand. I could see my reflection in it perfectly. "Rich?" Ashley bumped me. I snapped back. 

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"We should get to camp. We can catch a bus into New York. And take the Grey Ladies Cab from there." Hazel interjected. She was putting the keys where she'd pulled the weapons from. "Come on." 

We followed Hazel from the parking lot- straight into the fields. 

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