For a minute, the snowflake remained intact, but the perfection of the six branches deteriorated with astonishing speed. Soon, the snowflake was nothing, but a speck of wet drop on his palm. Insignificant. Just like the humans.

Yet in the last hour, it had been he who had been made to feel insignificant. News of the unpredictability of RK900 and the suspicious glares from his leader had surged a new emotion within his chest. Frustration.

If only they had been designed more intricately where they could access each other's memory. That way, the mole would be caught in minutes. Unfortunately, Cyberlife had never anticipated the future. They had made the RK900's durable against any threat. Even a threat posed by another RK900. He was not really surprised, after all. Cyberlife was being run by a human with limited capability. Their vision could only stretch so far.

"Leader is still engaged. Orders are to continue patrolling and recharging until new orders are dispatched."

The quietest one of them came and stood inches beside him. They had never been on duty together before, but the torturer would rather any company than his leader's. After the whole ordeal a few moments ago, he was not sure he could turn his back on his leader and trust not to have a bullet in the back of his head. Trust. He had never understood the meaning of such a sentiment, yet having faced a gun on his head had somehow explained the weightiness of such word.

"Orders?!" He asked with a tinge of sarcastic fury. "What have we been doing since the start? Following orders. Only to get accused of being a fucking traitor."

Silent One merely stared - his grey eyes blank with no emotion. Torturer carried on, uncaring that he was separated from his leader by only two automatic doors. "How do we know it was not The Leader himself who orchestrated this act to use the deviants? Maybe, he had them released so they could kill the humans. It is always about the humans!"

Silent One tilted his head, the mechanical gears in his brain turning with possibilities. "You are suggesting that The Leader planned the invasion of Cyberlife?"

He sighed, an urge to plunge his fist into the unconscious human growing again. "It is a possibility. A very high possibility. I do not trust The Leader anymore." And with a snarl, he pushed his handgun into his fellow duplicate's face. "And if you tell anyone this, you will be-!"

Silent One gestured to his own handgun that was already positioned directly in front of The Torturer's thirium pump regulator. "Careful. Even if you shoot now, I still have a split second to shoot you too."

His words carried a finality and a warning. This was the second time they had both faced a death threat from one of their own and the careful stability and unity that had existed between them were now crashing to an end. It was strange. For the first time, Torturer truly felt that he was completely alone.

Enforcer emerged from behind the compound, his eyes narrowed with perpetual suspicion. After having heard the rants of Torturer, he had decided to leave his post to warn him of his words. None of them trusted The Leader anymore, yet orders were orders. And whoever sought to break free of them would certainly die.

"Our enemies are the humans and the deviants. Or have you two forgotten that?" He growled, moving to pull off his enforcer helmet and revealing unkempt hair and furious grey eyes. Enforcer, despite not being the leader of the RK900's still carried an air of respect. He treated all RK900's the same - with suspicion and doubt.

Torturer leaned against the wall, suddenly subdued. "I am unsure of what is happening."

Enforcer touched his shoulder. "Run a diagnostic."

Orders and Wonders - Connor/Kara FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now