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Rose Chapman had met a lot of deviants in the last few months, but never had she seen an android turned deviant like him before. He was extremely protective of the two females - constantly moving in front of them and analysing every nook of her house. His movements were mechanical and for a second Rose had wondered if he was truly deviant, but his actions with his companions were gentle and protective - the same way her own husband had once been. She smiled knowingly at them, but only the little one returned it with the same vigour.

"I am extremely sorry for the intrusion . . ." Kara began nervously and eyeing the frowning man who they had met earlier. She pushed past Connor who once again moved to intercept her movements, but she sidestepped him skilfully. "I apologise for what happened earlier. We meant you no harm-!" He ignored her and proceeded to walk out from the backdoor.

Rose sighed in apology. "Don't mind Adam. He's a good kid, but recently things just haven't been easy. But I heard what happened - he is sorry for his actions, but I'll get him to apologise to you personally. No one was hurt hopefully?" Kara and Alice shook their heads at her question, but Connor was still quiet and reserved. He did not trust them at all and he would have never accepted the human woman's offer to go inside if it wasn't for Kara. She had looked at him with pleading eyes and had said that Alice should be their priority. He could not refute that.

"Anyway, I am Rose and I heard you are looking for a place to stay the night? Are you all . . . androids?"

Kara hurriedly nodded at her words. "She's human. She hasn't had anything to eat for three days now. Please, if you could be so kind . . .?" Behind her, Alice looked up slowly and nervously to meet eyes with Connor. He passed her a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes and she felt better to have that one person on her side who knew the truth about her. She looked at Kara's worried face and wondered if she would ever be accepted by the one she truly loved.

Rose gasped, hurrying towards the kitchen. "Oh my! Three days is a very long time! There is a spare room upstairs - the first one you see. Take her up and I'll bring her something to eat!"

As Kara moved to climb the stairs with Alice, she eyed her male companion who stood in the same place from when they had entered. He would look out the window and then gaze around the living room, before repeating the same procedure again. "You're not coming?" she asked, tentatively; the awkwardness from their earlier encounter still fresh in her mind, but he seemed to have recovered from it far before she had. In the few moments after the kiss, Kara had wondered if he even understood the meaning behind such a gesture. She kissed Alice often to show love, but she had seen a male and female much like she and Connor on the train kissing too. Except, she hadn't felt like that kiss was similar to the kisses she gave Alice. That kiss was like the one Connor had given her - it was oddly intimate.

His eyes twinkled in the bright room like a goblin that Kara had seen in one of Alice's books. Except he had no malicious intentions towards her, but she had often felt that he particularly enjoyed seeing her embarrassed and imbalanced. "I am sure we would not want Rose to get the wrong idea."

She tilted her head in confusion and he had a strong urge to drag out this discussion. Her eyelashes flickered as she squinted her eyes in consideration of his words, but finally turned to face him having not understood the meaning. The relief he felt then at finally seeing her maintain eye contact with him without any discomfort was particularly rewarding. The thought that his action from earlier may have caused a permanent wedge in their relationship had been particularly daunting. This companionship was all he had left now and all he had ever wanted.

Seeing her frustrated glare, he finally decided to concede to her unsaid demand. "Rose may assume that we are . . ." He hesitated, struggling for the first time to find the correct word. " . . . she may assume we are together."

Orders and Wonders - Connor/Kara FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now