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Author's Note: They meet. :)

Hank stared at the tense machine and had to glance over a few times to make sure that he hadn't switched off. He had learned a thing or two about his android. Connor would get impatient and sometimes do extraordinary tricks with a coin that no human could ever replicate. But this time he was so still that the old cop felt that he absolutely had to break the silence. 

"Connor! What the fuck is wrong with ya'?" Hank honked at the annoying driverless taxi that would not speed up past the speed limit. The android only tilted his head in confusion wishing for his human partner to elaborate further. Hank huffed, irritated. "You know what I mean, tin can. You're as tense as a coiled spring!" 

Connor let a smile graze his lips while his insides were in deep turmoil. He did not know why. "Very interesting analogy, Lieutenant. But there is nothing wrong with me." 

Hank spat outside his car window as if to rid himself of a bad taste. He should have never asked. He was not emotionally invested in anyone and a machine was the last thing on this planet who would ever evoke emotions from him. "Forget I even asked. Anyway, I am stopping here. Let's not arouse any suspicion." 

Connor nodded and before Hank had even turned off the engine, he had flown outside the car so fast, Hank had almost got a whiplash. "Fucking android." He muttered, lurching behind him to match his speed, but by the time he had reached him; the android had rung the bell and his hands were flicking the coin from left to right. 

"Lieutenant Anderson." He whispered, his voice perplexingly low and Hank found himself stepping closer to the android. "This is our only chance to catch this deviant. We need to block all of its possible escape routes. I believe there will be a backdoor." 

Hank nodded in agreement, his gun already in his hands and for some reason, Connor found the sight of it unusually unsettling. "Great. I'll take the back door. If it tries to escape, I am gonna shoot this motherfucka'." And with that said, Hank disappeared leaving the android speechless. 

He knew his partner was more talk than actually carrying out his actions, but he had learned that humans were unpredictable creatures. After all of this effort, he did not want the deviant dead, but Connor still did not feel content with his reasoning. He did not want the deviant to die. But why?  

At the sound of approaching footsteps, the coin Connor had been fiddling unconsciously with disappeared. Taking his position at the door, he found his breath caught at the sight of the deviant. Well, this was unexpected. But then again, this deviant probably didn't expect to see him again. She thought she had escaped. She thought she had tricked the system. But she was dead wrong. But still, he had to wonder just how bold this deviant was to openly smile in the face of the android who had only just tried to arrest her two days ago. 

"Hello." She spoke serenely, her short brown hair shining in the room beautifully. She wore a black blouse, haphazardly tucked into her skinny jeans which disappeared into her long brown boots. She lacked the familiar LED that all androids had and looked more human without her uniform. Connor found himself unable to look away from the blue eyes, but something felt strangely void in them as she allowed a small beatific smile to appear on her lips. He pushed himself forward and stood a foot away from her and it was then that she lifted her head to meet his eyes. No recognition, no emotions. 

"Hello." She spoke again, this time more quietly and he found himself searching the blue depths subconsciously. The thirium in his system felt too warm and Connor raised a hand to his temple, deactivating his temperature meter. He needed to self-check more regularly, he unintendedly thought.  She stepped back a little, her actions mechanical and insentient. "Are you here to see my master?" 

Orders and Wonders - Connor/Kara FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now