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Author's Note: Please don't read if you haven't played the game. It would really ruin it for you and this one of the best games out there. Go and buy a copy and play it! This game is worth it! :D

Connor felt the rush of thirium in his system as he hurried after the android with the police officers directing him as he caught up with them. This was his only chance to prove to Lieutenant Anderson that he was a fit partner to lead this investigation regardless of whether he was human or an android. He would not fail - nor the investigation, nor his superiors. 

He watched as the deviant pushed the child up the fence and then proceeded to climb herself. The thirium rushing through his biocomponents gave him the final push as he flew through the wind and crashed into the steel fence, his hands feeling no pain from the hard impact. It was then that he met eyes with pure blue that stared back at him. But beyond that, he saw so much more. Despair, anguish, but determination and loyalty to the human girl that stood shock still at the sight of him so close. But his eyes stared a little longer into the deviant's blue even as she looked behind him at the approaching policeman. 

"Don't shoot!" Connor extended a hand back, his eyes forced away from hers to the startled policeman who still had its gun pointed at the deviant. Connor felt slight annoyance at this - what good would it do to kill the deviant? It would not help the investigation and deviancy across the city would not stop if one deviant was eliminated. "We need it alive!" He warned, his head turning to watch as the deviant and the child slid down the muddy heap and jumped into the highway. 

Lieutenant Anderson huffed in exhaustion as he watched the deviant dodge the incoming cars with more luck than planning. He felt surprised at the extent this deviant was going just to escape the cops. Was it scared, delusional or simply desperate? 

"I can't let it get away!" His android partner cried, his hands moving to climb the fence. Hank grabbed its forearm with a warning telling him to back down. Yet, again the android tried to climb and Hank was forced to reassure both the machine and himself that the deviant and the child would simply not make it across the highway. It was impossible, of course. No one could run into a fast highway and survive. 

Connor felt the same uncomfortable sensation in his head when he was faced with another difficult decision. But as he watched the deviant hug the child across the highway, he no longer felt it - instead, his entire attention focused on the relief he saw on the deviant's face and the pure joy. He had never seen an android look so . . . human. 

And even when it was long gone, and he sat back in the old car with Lieutenant Anderson muttering swear words that sounded too close to "Fucking Androids", he remembered the blue eyes of the deviant and how strange it was that the same eyes had made him feel something. 

Why was this deviant still crossing his mind? 

Author's Note: Kara killed Todd in this fanfiction.

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