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When the train stopped on the other side of the town, Kara felt a burst of relief in her system. She had not realized how tense she had been the whole train ride that even Alice's presence had failed to calm her. But she definitely felt some serenity now that she was far away from that . . . android. When they had met eyes across the fence, Kara had not expected to be chased by another android. His human partner, or a police officer maybe, but not one who was the same as her. 

Alice tugged on her arm a little, peeking at her from under her long eyelashes. "Kara . . . are you okay?" Kara pursed her lips and allowed her eyes to shut a little as they climbed onto the escalator designated for humans only. She could not hide anything from Alice and the truth was that she did not want to. Alice allowed her to be free - no, Alice had set her free. 

She spoke in the same melodious tone that only Alice could evoke from within her. "Yes, of course, Alice. Are you still cold?" She allowed her hands to trace over Alice's damp, muddy shirt caused from skidding down the mud heap when they were escaping that android. She felt something inside her freeze cold at the frightening incident of being so close to him, so close to being captured. So close to losing her freedom which she had not even tasted yet . . . so close to losing Alice again. 

Alice shook her head, a tremor giving away her lie, even as she spoke the words. "No, I am okay. I am not so cold anymore." As they disembarked from the escalator and stopped at the exit of the train station, Kara felt disappointed to see that it had begun to rain again. She looked around at the androids who walked mechanically to complete their tasks and it was only then that Kara realized just how much she did not want to be like them anymore. She did not want to be captured and reset, and forget about Alice. She wanted to live. But right now, she had to make a decision.

Continue on or take shelter in the station for the night. A glance at Alice quivering like a leaf that was barely hanging on to its branch was enough for Kara to lead Alice away from the exit to a quaint, empty cafeteria. Good, they could stay here for a while and Alice could eat and then they would be on their way. 

"Kara, we should go. I am fine." The young child insisted, tugging at her hand urgently. The older female knew just how distressed Alice was by the whole incident earlier. Making Alice run through the fast highway knowing that they were going to be caught was equally distressing for her too, but Alice should have never had to go through that. And Ralph . . . Kara shuddered at the memory of the rodent, his knife, his scar and his violent outbursts. She thought no one could frighten her as much as Todd had, but staying one night in the squat with Ralph and being chased by another android the next morning was enough to beat her old experience. And the worst thing was that Alice had to go through that and it was all her fault. 

Her hand stroked Alice's head as she looked away to conceal the strange mistiness in her eyes. "Alice, we are only here for a few hours. Just until the rain has stopped and you're warm and fed." She smiled reassuringly, sitting down at the table in the corner of the cafeteria and stared at the stationary android who was behind the counter. "What would you like to eat, Alice?" 

The child shook her head, cuddling into Kara's chest. "I am really not hungry, Kara. I just want to . . . be like this for a little while." Kara, although worried at the child's lack of appetite could no longer argue and shared the same sentiment as her. She wished time would hold and they could forever be together like this. No one else, but just her and Alice. Her arms wound around Alice and she allowed her head to rest and after a few minutes, her eyes to close. This is what peace must feel like, the female deviant thought. 

"Kara . . ." The young child quietly called her name, startling the said android to open her eyes. "When we were running from that . . . man, did you feel scared?" 

Kara sat up and stared off into the distance. "He was an android, Alice." She really did not want to contemplate that bad memory anymore, but Alice seemed quite insistent as she asked again. Finally, Kara allowed a breath to escape her, her hand unconsciously seeking the tiny, warm one. "Yes, Alice. I was really scared." 

The child worried her lip, her eyes brimming with tears. "I am sorry, Kara. It is my fault we had to run away." 

Kara glared, furious. "Don't ever say that again, Alice. I would rather run for the rest of . . . my life, than to live that life again." When her words failed to comfort the child and instead did the opposite effect, she soothed her voice and stroked her back. "I . . . am not sorry, Alice. I met you and realized what it means to live. It's us against this world, Alice. Just the two of us. I only have you and you only have me. And I am going to do everything I can to make you happy again." 

They hugged tightly then, silently praying for a better future. Where they could be together and happy again. And somewhere on the other side of the town, an android sat interrogating the unstable deviant who had sheltered them previously. He remembered how he had failed to neutralize them and decided that he would not fail again. Kara opened her eyes at the same time as lightning lit the room purple and felt a familiar dread set her system alight. 

Author's Note: I will soon be uploading the sister chapter to this, which will be Connor interrogating Ralph. Both these chapters take place at the same time. Apart from that, I have been reading the lovely comments people have been writing and I would like to say that I am absolutely flattered by them. A person commented saying that Kara and Markus do not get enough love, and I absolutely agree. I loved all three characters in their own unique ways and I believe that they all deserve equal love. I will try to make that happen in this fanfiction. Once again, thank you so much for reading and be on the lookout for a new chapter that I hopefully will upload by the end of today (GMT time, I live in the UK ;D). 

Orders and Wonders - Connor/Kara FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang