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A day had passed since Connor chased the deviant through the streets of Detroit and had failed his mission. But unlike humans, his memory was impeccable and so whenever he would find himself reading case files on all the reported deviant cases, he would have a recollection of the entire incident. It almost got to the point where he was drifting out of consciousness with his eyes open. Lieutenant Anderson had described the condition as 'daydreaming' and Connor found himself not happy to admit that maybe he was overanalyzing the situation. 

"Ah - for fuck sake, Connor! This is the eleventh time you have done that today!" Hank Anderson cried, throwing a half-eaten donut into its box. The two detectives were sat at their desks facing each other, but before had been discussing the new deviant cases that were pouring in every hour or so. That was before the android had found himself back in the past where he had let a criminal - a deviant escape. Maybe this was the issue. He simply couldn't come to terms with his android existence because he had failed. He had never failed before. 

Turning to face his frustrated human partner, Connor mentally calculated an approach to take as to how he would explain his lack of attention. It was not easy to fool Lieutenant Hank Anderson, unlike many other humans, so he would have to be very careful with his words. He met eyes with the man and let a small professional smile graze his lips. 

"I do apologize, Lieutenant. I prefer analyzing crime scenes and encounters in my head better than voicing them or writing them down." He felt a slightly uncomfortable sensation shoot through the back of his head when he saw the Lieutenant's frown dip further. Quickly backtracking, he pointed to the screen in front of him. "This new case that arrived forty-three minutes ago seems to be something that we really should investigate." 

Before he could even push his chair back, the old man slammed his palm on his desk arousing glares from around him. But his eyes were focused solely on Connor who had not flinched but seemed perturbed by his actions. Well, the plastic piece of lying shit should be, Hank thought to himself. It was not easy accepting a non-living being as his partner, but a lying non-living being was something he absolutely would not take. 

"Look, you plastic A-hole." Hank started, his fist clenched under the table craving for some whiskey and alone time so he could forget he ever lived in this world where even fucking androids were lying to him. "I know a liar when I see a liar! Your plastic face has the words "I am a shitty liar" written all over it! So you either spit it out, or I'll have you thrown back to the cave where your kind crawls out from!" 

The police office was normally a place filled with loquacious individuals, but they had all turned silent at the exciting interaction between a deadbeat cop and a plastic android who was a better police officer than all of them. They knew Hank carried a temper, but the last thing they expected was for the machine to erupt back. 

"Lieutenant! I have tried my best to cooperate with you from the very first day. I have repeatedly apologized to you if you do not like my presence, but maybe you should be an adult and deal with the fact that you are working with an android who does not follow the same style of work as you do!" 

Hank fumed in anger and much to everyone's surprise, he dumped his already gone cold coffee on the android's head. Shock filled the entire precinct as the human employees watched the old cop walk out of the office with Captain Fowler chasing down the Lieutenant warning him to stop. They then turned their eyes to the victim whose usual perfect appearance was now a display of brown stains and patches, hair flattened against his forehead and a very prominent frown. He then stood up with small traces of remaining dignity and tightened his tie, before heading towards the exit from which the Lieutenant and Captain had disappeared. 

And as he neared the exit of the police station, he heard whooping and cheers. 

"Fuck yeah, did you see that?" 

"The fucking perfect plastic got put in his place!"

"Yo, I really hate this Hank, but I gotta' give it to him. The guy has huuuuge balls!"

"Balls? What's so great about dumping coffee on a machine? It's the same as when you accidentally knock it down on your keyboard!" 

"Yeah! No biggie. Both Anderson and his pet android can go fuck themselves!" 

"No, I am pretty sure that Captain 'Grumpy' Fowler will do the fucking!"

"Ew, gross . . ." 

Connor frowned, swiping a hand to push aside his light brown forelock, before stepping into the evening rain. He watched fascinated as each drop washed away the scattered drops of coffee from his hair and face, and damped the stains enough that they no longer were prominent. A small urge to spread his arms out crossed his mind, but quickly the thought was replaced by the sight of conflicted blue eyes. Then, a sudden thought slammed into his brain almost the same way, he had crashed into the fence and met eyes with the deviant. It had rained on the night of Todd Williams' death too.

Two days had gone by and there was evidence being wiped out every second he wasted arguing with Lieutenant Anderson. Frantic, he closed his eyes and sent a direct request to Captain Fowler to investigate the crime scene of Todd Williams. As far as he knew, the crime scene had been left untouched as they all had focused on capturing the fugitive rather than analyzing the situation as a whole. He felt vexed at his lack of foresight and hailed a taxi to Todd Williams' residence. 

He was going to put an end to this case once and for all. And hopefully, the blue-eyed deviant who kept on crossing his mind too. 

Author's Note: I tried my very best to keep my characters from going OOC. But apologies if they still came out that way. Thanks for reading! XD

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