Chapter Three: The Sad Figure

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She was puzzled. She kept tracing the name at the corner of the paper. She could've sworn that this drawing and the name at the corner was different. Her brain felt jumbled.

Mary shook her head to clear her mind. She was going crazy... there is no way it's a different drawing. She didn't take out the small paper out of her back pocket at all since they left the coffee shop.

I'm crazy, she concluded. Nodding at her little conclusion, she lightly began tracing the outline of the paper. Going over the light rough edges of the corner without subconsciously realizing she was tracing it. Her pointer finger passed over the ridge of the upper right corner. A small prick sensation overtook the tip of her finger, bringing her out of her dazed conscious. She hissed bringing her finger up close to inspect the small wound.

There was a paper cut that went straight across her finger tip. Blood began to ooze out of the wound and a little drop fell onto the paper, almost hitting the face but missing it by a little bit. Biting her lips, she looked down at the edge of the corner and saw a little stain of blood to show where she had cut herself. She brought her thumb down on her finger to apply pressure which caused more blood to come out and drop down on the paper.

Quickly discarding the paper by flinging it down on the ground, not caring which direction it flew in. She cradled her finger walking to the bathroom. Turning the faucet on, she placed her tip underneath and waited till no more little droplets of blood were coming out of the wound.

Taking a small bandaid from the first aid kit inside the bathroom mirror, she wrapped it around the tip of her finger.

She decided to call it a night and brushed her teeth before flicking the bathroom light off. Quickly discarding her pants, she got underneath the covers and turned off her lamp by her bedside.

The piece of paper that lay on the floor computer forgotten.

It was dark all around her. She get herself walking but she couldn't see where she was going to.

It was as if she knew exactly where to go - or her feet knew - and she didn't need to see for that. Her feet carried her down what felt like a very long hallway.

'Marielle' a voice echoed throughout the hallway. It sounded so soft spoken. She didn't know where it came from but she continued walking anyway.

'Marielle' the voice called out again, only this time sounding like it was right behind her.

She froze in her place, and gulped. Her breathing became shallow and every puff of air she let out, a small fog followed after. Goosebumps arose all over her body and she slowly turned around towards the voice.

Her pulse quickened, feeling a heavy breath on her neck. Turning around she was met with darkness. But she could feel a presence.

Someone was standing right in front of her. She just couldn't see who.

"Ye..Yes?" She gulped.

Not getting a reply, instead she felt a cold finger touch her forehead and suddenly she was flying back in the abyss.

She began screaming and reached her hands out to grasp onto anything. She was sinking fast into the darkness and couldn't get herself to come out of it.. before she could comprehend anything, she yelled and screamed as she fell deeper and deeper into the abyss..

Mary woke up with a gasp, clutching at her throat. She couldn't breath. She managed to drag herself out of bed and wiggle her way to her desk where her inhaler sat at the top. She grabbed it, opened the white tube and puffed two puffs of air into her mouth.

She was breathing heavily, leaning against the desks legs. She moved her matted hair out of her face and inhaled a deep breath in.

Goosebumps were covering her arms and legs. She was cold yet sweating as if she just ran a marathon.

Her heart rate began to slow down as she caught her breath. Mary glances around at her dark room, thankful for the opened curtains that brought in light from the moon. She wasn't completely in the dark.

She felt this sudden soft tickle graze along her thigh and she shrieked backing away while slapping away at her thigh thinking it was some kind of bug.

Once she was a fair distance away from the creature, she lifted herself up and walked to the light switch turning it on.

Mary glanced warily back at the spot she felt the soft tickle at, and saw it wasn't some kind of bug. But a small piece of paper.

She hadn't noticed she was shaking, and walked slowly towards it. Crouching down she flipped the piece of paper and came in contact with the drawing.

Her eyes widened and she gasped quickly drooling the paper flat on the ground facing up.

She began shaking her head, clutching her hair in her hands and pacing back and forth. "No.. no... no," she muttered over and over again.

She stopped pacing to look at the drawing.

It was different. Again.

The picture or drawing or whatever was different now. Mary gulped and crouched down and sat down on the floor.

Her heart rate spiked back up as she picked up the drawing. She licked at her dry lips and studied the drawing. She noticed the droplets of blood was still on there but now looked as if it faded into the paper. As if the paper absorbed her blood. It almost looked like it wasn't even blood, more like red splotches of paint decorated randomly on the paper. But she knew it was her blood from the smudged one by what looked like a mans face.

She studied the drawing further and frowned. The man in the drawing seemed to have features that were very faint, but still there. She took notice of how the man seemed to be so... so.. sad.

She took her bottom lip between her teeth. The colors on this drawing were more colorful, and his body seemed to grow. He had more d a torso now and his arms seemed to be linked together at the hands.

He looked so sad. Before the drawings didn't seem to have a face and now that it does, Mary couldn't help but to feel what this picture was portraying.

She didn't know why but she suddenly felt this huge wave of sadness began to consume her.

Name... her conscious told her.

At least that's what she liked to think that voice was.

Mary began tracing the paper to find the name that was usually always at the bottom corner of the paper. She looked like a crazy woman, having the picture all up close to her face while she studied it. Her eyes were wide and her face was flushed.

Her breath hitched, she became cold and her goosebumps were back on her arms and legs.

Her name. Her full name was on the bottom corner of the paper. 'Marielle' was spelled in thick black ink.

She scrambled to her feet, knocking her head against the desk. She grabbed the paper and ran to the bathroom throwing it in the toilet and flushing it down.

Her breathing was erratic. What the fuck was going on...




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