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Amara Winters' POV
I genuinely felt bad for Jane, she just went through that traumatizing experience yesterday, and now I'd dropped a huge bomb on her. I basically just said that we're all in danger and that no one could be trusted. The girl had already experienced something terrifying and now I was just making it worse by scaring her of unknown danger.

"Well, I'm not saying that exactly... We're not sure if there even is a mole, but we have high suspicions." I sighed and Jane looked down as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Why is everything so confusing? That case must be hard for you, bad events keep occurring and you're still not very close to finding out who the killer is... No offense, but what do you know?"

"Well, we know that there's a high possibility that this killer has treated his victims to a bottle of 'CHATEAU LA TOUR CARNET' which would supposedly contain the poison, leaving the victim to die. Then the killer stabs the victim in the back, which means that the victims were probably attacked from the back and while they were screaming in pain and the poison was spreading through their veins, they got strangled and suffocated." I said, feeling a bit offended by what Jane just said. But I knew that she was just as frustrated as everyone was, so I didn't blame her.

"Oh... T-That's just disturbing." Jane stuttered and I agreed.

"I'm sorry, this situation is just getting to me and I'm just frustrated because we don't seem to get any further with finding this killer," I said and Jane nodded understandingly.

"I totally get it, I would be the same if I were in your place..." A silence filled the room for a few seconds and I smiled weakly at Jane.

"You know what, let's just forget about this for now and focus on what's going on between you and your partner," Jane said, wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed and looked away, hiding my face in my hands.

"Ooh, you're blushing, what happened between you two... Did you kiss?!"

"No! But..." I said, removing my hands from my face.

"But what?" She asked, waiting expectantly.

"He might've asked me out yesterday night..." I trailed off, innocently glancing at Jane. Her mouth fell open and she just stared at me before jumping up.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you! We have to celebrate! I'll get the glasses! By the way, how did he ask you?!" She squealed as she walked over to a cupboard and took two glasses out of it.

"He was so shy and he was stuttering and everything, it was adorable. We were just walking to our cars and we were saying goodbye...  Then he just asked, he's gonna pick me up at six tonight!" I smiled and Jane came back with two glasses and a bottle of wine. She dramatically filled the glasses and I grinned at her foolishness. She handed me a glass and we raised both our glasses, clinking them together as Jane did a toast.

"To you and Harry." She smiled and she chugged her wine down. I took a few sips before suddenly feeling dizzy and nauseous.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jane asked as she looked at how my body slumped onto the couch. The glass of wine slipped from my hand, creating a red stain on the white carpet.

"Hey, Amara? Are you okay? What's going on?" She asked, but I shook my head, pushing myself back on the couch, trying to sit straight up.

"Maybe you should lie down for a while," Jane said, but I shook my head again.

"I'm fine." Was all that I said before I looked at the bottle of wine that stood on the side table. 'CHATEAU LA TOUR CARNET' was written on the label, the big letters imprinting in my mind before everything went black.

Oh, Hi Officer // h.s ✔️Where stories live. Discover now