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Amara Winters' POV
I still had a bad feeling in my stomach after we dropped Stacy off at her house. She didn't even dare to look at Harry and he returned the favour. The tension in the car was real.

I sighed as I threw my bag on my couch and flopped down onto it. I closed my eyes and just let the calmness of my apartment wash over me. After a few minutes, I got up and walked to the kitchen. I quickly improvised a mediocre dinner and ate it. I then checked the time and noticed it was half past seven. So I got out of my uniform, cleaned myself up and threw something more comfortable on. Just when I left my bedroom, the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and there stood a confident-looking Jane. She shortly hugged me and then made her way inside. I followed her and raised my eyebrows when I saw her sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

"You're gonna tell me what's going on and you're gonna tell me now." She sternly said, followed by a smirk and we both burst out in laughter.

"Okay, mom." I joked as I sat in the fauteuil. She gave me an expectant look and stayed silent until I started talking.

"Okay, so Harry and I have been working on this case and we found some clues and suspects. But then one of our suspects died and we found out that there's a mole, slash, spy at the police station..." I said in one breath, making Jane's eyes widen.

"Wait, you're sure there's a mole? Like actually someone who sabotages our confidential information?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sadly, someone has been taking crucial evidence away from the crime scenes and has been changing files," I said and Jane's mouth almost dropped to the floor.

"That's crazy... But what happened in your office?" She asked and I suddenly remember the mess again.

"I actually have no idea, I don't know why anyone would make such a mess in it. It was just horrible. Harry checked the security footage, but the footage from last night was deleted."

"Harry..." I heard Jane mutter under her breath and I raised my eyebrows.

"What's with him?" I asked.

"Nothing." She quickly said, looking down and shaking her head frantically.

"Would you like something to drink? I can get a glass of-" I cut Jane off, who was now trying to crawl out of the situation, but I wasn't having it.

"What's with Harry? Tell me." I said in a somewhat threatening voice. Jane, who had gotten up while rambling her last sentence, sat back down on the couch and sighed.

"It's just-"

"Just what?"

"It's just a bit weird, isn't it? That he's trusting you so fast and all. And that you two seem to find clues faster than when he worked with Niall. Plus you two going on 'missions' so often." She said and I recognized the way she implied things.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well isn't it weird that he's taking you to all these 'interrogations and investigations'? And then he brings you home afterwards?" I stayed quiet, doubting her reasoning.

"Look I don't know what's going on and I surely don't have all the facts, but I do know that I saw him going in the station late last night while I was packing my stuff to leave. And that your office was all messed up this morning."

"So you're saying that Harry might've been looking for something or just messed up my whole office for fun?" I asked, feeling a bit betrayed and angry because she thought of him like that. I also was angry because she had good arguments, and I really don't know much about the guy.

"I'm not saying anything, you are. Did you give him any reason to look through your office? Did you have something important?" Shock laced my face as my whole body went pale after Jane said that sentence. I then remembered the confidential information that was hidden inside the pocket of my uniform.

The flash drive!

Oh, Hi Officer // h.s ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora