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Amara Winters' POV
Harry was right, we had been acting more like detectives than actual police officers. And we had to for this case, I mean I didn't mind. But it was nice to do something else every once in a while. We hadn't gone to the police academy for no reason!

Harry and I passed the front desk and Jane looked at me with raised eyebrows. I chuckled on the inside, amused by her confused face.

"Eight o'clock tonight, my place," I whispered to her while we walked by and she nodded, watching Harry and I exit the building.

"So what do you want to do first? Give out tickets or get doughnuts?"


Harry and I were now sitting in a small cafeteria. Harry apparently went here often with Niall, as he was greeted by many people and some even gave their condolences.

"Are we getting doughnuts?" Harry asked and I pursed my lips, a silence following.

"We're totally not getting doughnuts." He chuckled and I laughed along.

"I'm sorry, I don't like them that much!" I said and he frowned.

"How can you not like doughnuts?!" He exclaimed and I shrugged.

"They're so overrated, the glazing always melts and sticks to your hands and it's just ew." Harry's expression made me laugh, causing a few heads to turn, then to immediately turn back when they saw our uniforms.

"What would you like to drink?" A waiter asked as he stood by our table.

"A black coffee and a latte-"

"No, no, don't write that down. We'd just like a pot of tea and some different flavours." I smiled and the waiter wrote it down. Harry shot me a confused glance, but I just shrugged and focused on the waiter again.

"And some biscuits please," I added and the waiter left after writing it all down.

"Why'd you order tea?" Harry sneered, emphasizing it as if he'd never heard the word before.

"Because by the way you just said it, it seems like you haven't had some in a while. And you need to get back to your roots." I mocked his thick English accent and he just glared at me, resting his head on the palm of his hand.

"You're so cliche."

"You're so boring. It's like you've gone all 'American'." I chuckled and he glared at me. But he gave up after a few seconds and burst out in laughter. His dimples were adorable, and so were his eyes, which twinkled in the dim lights of the cafe.

"You know, we're working on this case together, but I actually really don't know much about you." Harry started as the tea and biscuits were placed in front of us.

"What would you like to know?" I asked.

"Anything, like where did you grow up? What aspired you to become a police officer?"

"I grew up in one of the less wealthy neighbourhoods of London. I wasn't like poor or anything, but I faced a lot of crime every day. And that's why I chose to be an officer. I wanted to take care of those who made children's homes unsafe. Who prevented children from playing outside because the kids were too scared of the criminal activities occurring in their home places." I said before taking a sip of my tea. Harry stared at me for a while and complete silence fell between us until he snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm so sorry you had such an awful experience as a child. You're very admirable for choosing to do the right thing for everyone who is feeling the way you felt when you were young." Harry smiled, making my cheeks heat up. I quickly brought my teacup up to my lips and drank from it, trying to avoid him seeing my rosy cheeks.

"You're an inspiration, really."


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