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Amara Winters' POV
Spending time with the Styles' was an amazing occupation. The acceptance and love I felt in their presence was wonderful. I felt at ease with these people. They made me feel at home.

"So, Amara, where are you from?" Anne, Harry's mother, asked while filling our glasses with tea.

"Born and raised in London, but I moved here a few weeks ago," I said before thanking her for the cup of tea that she handed to me.

"Why such a downgrade from London to Holmes Chapel?" Gemma asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, to be honest, I guess I was just always a bit drawn to this town. The mysteries and the crimes-"

"And the serial killers."

"Gemma!" Anne exclaimed, making Gemma shut her mouth, but Gemma quickly sent me a grin and a wink.

"And well, it's not much of a downgrade for me. Maybe even an upgrade. Because I didn't live in the like 'wealthy' parts of London. I lived in one of the neighbourhoods that had a lot of criminals and drug dealers lurking around the corners. That's what made me choose to be an officer in the first place, to fight crime and make neighbourhoods safe for children to live in." I shrugged and they both looked at me with sympathy.

"That's really brave of you, you're very inspiring, Amara." Anne smiled and I smiled back, feeling very flattered by the compliment.

"Okayyy, so uh... I'm gonna show Amara my old room okay?" Harry said, quickly getting up from the couch and pulling me with him. I raised my eyebrows, but still let him lead the way upstairs. We entered a room with two blue walls and two white walls. The bed had black bed sheets on it and multiple pillows were piled up at the end of the bed. On some of the shelves of the bookcase stood detective/mystery books and pictures were placed on the empty spots next to the books. I walked over to the bookcase and grabbed a picture frame, smiling at the young version of Harry. He had blonde-ish hair and blue eyes. So different from how he looked now, though I really could recognize Harry in the young boy. I put the picture back and grabbed another one, it was a picture of Harry and a brunette boy, they both were dressed in graduation attire and they smiled brightly at the camera.

"That's Niall." Harry's voice suddenly spoke and I felt his presence behind me as he was looking over my shoulder at the picture.

"We graduated high school that day, Niall had moved to Holmes Chapel two years before that picture was taken. I'd never been as close with anyone else as I was with him. He was like the brother I've never had." Harry sighed and I placed the picture back, turning around and hugging Harry tightly.

"The bedsheets used to be green with coloured race cars on them when I was little." Harry chuckled as he pointed to the bed. He walked over to his desk and pulled open a drawer, he took something out and showed me a little notebook. He gave it to me and I opened it. The cutest poems filled the whole notebook and I felt a few tears brim as I read them. They were absolutely adorable.

"Harry these are amazing."


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