"Bring them in! Take them to their rooms bless them" my mother says happily that there'll be girls around the house.

Me and my father go out and let the girls out of the car. We lead them to their bedrooms which are across from each other. They take their pillows and quilt and put them on the beds. I guess they like their own pillows and quilts.

We go back and me and my father get their big suitcases while they get the smaller ones with their other stuff in. I take Katniss' suitcases in as she's unpacking all her other suitcases putting them on her dressers, desks, shelves and bookshelf. She hangs her pictures on the walls along with paintings that have been painted.

She then starts putting her clothes away. She puts her dresses, skirts, jeans and fancy tops in her wardrobe then her jean shorts in one draw, her short sleeve tops, her long sleeve tops, her crop tops, vest tops and her exercise clothing in separate draws. She then moves to her little draws. She puts her panties and bras in the top one, her socks in the other then her tights in another and her thermal socks in the other.

She puts her shoes in the bottom on her wardrobe and her leather boots my the side of her bed and her jackets and coats in the door hangers behind her door.

The big chest type box next to her wardrobe she puts her bags in and puts her suitcases under her bed.

I don't think she realises I was in her doorway because when she turns around she jumps.

I chuckle.

"How long have you been there?" she asks.

"A while"

"Damn you! Your so quiet"

"Oh well, I came to see how you were doing"

"I'm doing fine, still just a little shell shocked by it all to be honest"

"Okay, I'll leave you be" I nod and walk off.

I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa. Prim's sitting there with a book and my mother is reading a magazine while my brothers watch TV. My fathers in the kitchen probably making teas and coffees for everyone.

I plonk myself down on the sofa and watch TV. My father comes in a couple of minutes later with a tray of teas, coffees and hot chocolates and biscuits. He sits in his chair after he places he tray on the coffee table.

Katniss comes down a couple of minutes later with her leather boots, tanned jeans, black top and leather jacket with a bag on her shoulder.

"I'm going out, I'll be back soon" she says.

My father looks and smiles. "Okay"

She smiles back the walks out.

~about 2 hours later~

Katniss still hasn't returned.

My father gets a phone call. He answers it.

"Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Yes, she's living with me now"

"Okay. Wait what?!"

The door knocks. I get up and go and answer it.

It's Gale. He has Katniss in his arms tightly against his chest wrapped in a blanket. She's shaking and whimpering quietly.

"Dad!" I shout.

My dad comes out to the door and see Katniss.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Long story short she got caught again. But here's her bag of meat she had" he says handing us her bag.

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