Chapter 29

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Big c POV

I drove us to six flags and parked the car. I haven't been to a amusement park in forever so I was excited.

"Your better ride the rides with me " I said to shell as we entered the park

"Mhhmm I will" she said hesitantly

I chuckled and look at the rides I knew she was scared and I loved to mess with her so I chose the first biggest  ride I saw. The bat man.

"Aye that one there let's go" I said as I noded my head to the ride . she gulped and looked up .

"Common shell its okay , I'm sure you'll be tall enough to ride!"

"Ahhh fuck you c "

we stood in line waiting our turn . when it was our time to go we approached the seats. I watched shell get on hesitantly and I checked her gear to make sure it was on right than I sat in mine.

After the short announcements from the staff we took off into the air.

I lifted my hand up and screamed having a blast. I started to snicker as I looked at shell. She had her eyes closed and she was holding on to the bars of the seat.

The ride went back down and we exited off. When I looked at shell she had small tears .

" awww ma come here" I whiped her eyes and smiled. "I hoenstly didn't think you'll get that scared have you ever been on a roller coaster?"

"Nah I just never rode that one it always scared me" she said shyly.

I bought us icecream and cotton candy and we chilled for a little bit before we rode more rides. We had a blast.we shared laughs and just had fun . after a couple hours we headed our way to the movies.

I payed for our tickets and bought us sodas.

"You don't have to pay for it all I'll help" shells said

Right when I was going to tell her I got it all covered shells ex interrupted me.

" yeah  big c why the fuck you paying.......

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