Chapter 17

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I've been ignoring shells for days. Whenever she came around she always had something to say about Eli.

As for me and Eli, we have been hanging out more often. She is cute you just dont know! Even though she isnt very open I have learn some things about her.

Tonight was her birthday and I planned to take her out to dinner. I myself am alot younger than her, by 6 years. Her age was growing but her personality was just right.

The dinner wasnt until later tonight so I went to the mall so I could find her the perfect present. I crossed the food court and entered the jewlery store. After 30 minutes of undecided thought and oppions of other I finally got her a gift. It was a dimond necklace. I had just enough money to get it , it wasnt high dollar but it was enough to leave me dry for a week.

I took another stop at the pizza shack in the food court before heading my way home. I sat down and started to eat . In the process I heard a voice that matched eli's to the t. I carefully turnes my head and sure enough it was her.

I quickly turned around so she couldnt see me. I didnt want her seeing me because it would blow my cover. Her present was a suprise and so far she only thought I was buying dinner.

So instead I sat there and listened to her conversation.

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