Four - New friends

Start from the beginning

"Bethany, its not her fault. I dodged her punch.. So this happened. And why are you taking this so seriously- just let it go...I guess?" he said slowing down while saying the last few sentences.

She looked at him blankly at first and then smiled at him. "sure Justin. Lets go to class...we are late" she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the class. He looked at me with a 'wait.what?' face and I just pressed my lips and shrugged.

"what just happened?" i let out when the two were gone.
"nevermind " Laura gave me a weak smile and walked away along with Amy who glanced at me giving me a small smile before leaving.

"oh...kay" i said to myself and followed them to class.
I went and took my seat. The day went on like always and all i did was draw in class. And ofcourse i dozed off while doing it.


My eyes opened as the sunrays were falling on me through the window. I looked around to find noone in class. I took out my phone to see the time. Lunch break.
Why didn't the girls wake me up? I convinced myself by saying they were really hungry so they just left me.
I packed my bag and walked towards the canteen. It was filled as always.

"i thought you weren't coming" Justin said as i went and stood in front of their table.
"why wouldn't I ?" i scoffed.
"Why didn't you guys wake me up?" i looked at my 'only ' three friends.
"you looked really tired. So we guessed you-" Laura started but Bethany cut her "we aren't your servants for god sakes. We can't keep waking you up everyday!"

"okay... Sure" i nodded slightly in a sarcastic way.

"and stop eating so much" she pointed at my plate "you keep dozing off in every period. "

"okay mom!" i snapped.
My plate had one sandwich and a juice. How is that 'so much'?
And she had more to tell.
"and there's no place im sorry. Go find your own place"

"okay jeez. Stop it. I know i sleep in class and that you don't want to wake me up and all that. I get it! Why are you making this such a big deal? I was like this last year as well. You were totally fine with it then!" i snapped again.

"um.. I think you girls should talk this out-" Justin was about to get up.

"no stop Justin. Ill go! " i yelled looking at Bethany who rolled her eyes.
Yes. I wanted to talk to her about all this misunderstandings she was creating but at the moment i was really angry.
I walked away from there but i didn't know where to go. I looked around but there was noone there whom i knew. Amy, Laura and Bethany were actually my only friends.
Oof. Im such a loner.

Well. I knew one person.

"hey there cooper! " Luna waved her hands at me.

"join us" the guy she was sitting with spoke.

"thanks" i smiled and went and sat with them.

"you didn't get the energy bar?" she asked looking at my plate.

"oh no... It was over by the time i came"

"you can take this" the guy tossed his energy bar at me.

"This is joe" she pointed at the guy who smiled brightly showing off his deep dimples.

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