"They're fine. They are now being taken care of. But I thought I was gonna lose you."

I laughed lightly to make her feel better. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be around your ass until you get old."

Mom kissed me on my head, her gesture was full of love. "Good, because you're all I have."

"Please step aside, Ma'am," one of the medic team said politely so my Mom stepped back to give them room to lift me up inside the ambulance.

When they got me settled, Mom sat beside me and she straightaway held my hand again. She was staring at me like I was going to disappear anytime and to assure her, I squeezed her hand and smiled.

However, one of the officers inside the ambulance asked for her attention to explain my condition. I tuned out all the noises around me because I was physically and mentally tired. Not to mention, my injury hurt like a bitch.

Now that everything was alright, I gladly embraced the darkness, wondering where my waltz was at this moment.


Waking up from a dreamless sleep, I slowly opened my eyes to see a window of endless sky. I blinked twice, my senses gradually functioned with my consciousness. I could smell the fragrance of fully bloomed flowers with a hint of citrus along with the air. Although there was a continuous beep from a machine, it was so serene and calming.

And then, a sense of touch forced me to look down, only to get a sight of golden tresses. Hilary was sleeping on her arm, her eyelids were beautiful while her hand was holding mine. Her other arm was on my waist, making me realize that I was in a right lateral recumbent position. Alright? Why am I being a nerd? But it basically means I was lying on my right side. That made sense because I was shot on my left-back.

Anyway, the sight caused me to smile wide. She made me happy just from seeing her. And there was also a sense of pride in my heart because I survived the horror of being captive under Jet. The name alone disgusted me so I crossed it out of my head and just focused on my waltz.

With my lingering strength, I squeezed her hand lightly. Her brows creased at my little movement, soon she relaxed but then her eyes opened wide. Hilary shot up from her arm and then she looked at me in surprise.

I simply smiled at her. "Hi?"

In a matter of seconds, tears fell from her azure eyes. "W-Why are you so hardheaded?"

I was dumbfounded at her question so I moved slightly causing me to wince in pain.

"Don't move!" she scolded with tears still in her eyes. "Your wounds might open."

"Umm, I'm hardheaded?" I questioned in total confusion.

Hilary frowned, staring at me with accusing look. "You made me so fvcking worried. I felt like sh!t when I found out that you've been kidnapped with Quinn and Arisa. I didn't sleep the whole night and I asked Dad for help so he immediately called his connection from the military to join the local police operation. Do you know how big this is? Do you know how dangerous they are and you and Quinn kept it the whole time?! You're lucky that my Dad had managed to convince the military that it's going to be a big fish which is, by the way, true because they've found out that they're one of the most wanted drug dealers in the country. So tell me a good reason why I should keep quiet about this absurdity of yours?"

I hung my mouth open. And then I realized, Hilary saved us. Her father saved us. If he didn't have a connection, it would be impossible to retrieve us from Malum's fortress just by sending Quinn's private security and the local police even if they've found our location. I might've been raped by Jet already. It was going to be impossible to raid a large group of drug cartel with just a mere force in just a short amount of time. They had a large place and it seemed that Malum was loaded with illegal weapons. They were a real deal, indeed.

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