~Chapter Six~

Começar do início

…No, I didn’t. I said I was jealous, not that I was feeling anything. I sigh.

“No. I didn’t, I said I was jealous of the way Niall would look at her, but whatever. She was pretty jealous too.” I said.

“Of what?” He says with a slight smile.

“Well, since she shouldn’t care anymore, now that she’s dating Niall, you were her favorite of the band, and when I collapsed into your lap, she got all mad because she thought you were going to kiss me.” I say with a slight laugh about how ridiculous we both were being earlier. He just looks at me, smile fading a little bit.

“Because I was.” Louis says. I freeze.

“You were what?” I ask, still slightly frozen.

“I was going to kiss you.” He says, still looking at me. I remain frozen, and all I could think to say was:

“No way…” Intelligent Rachel. I look back down at my hands, unsure what to do with them now.

“It’s ok, I get it.” Louis says and gets off the couch and walks slowly towards the door, head hung. I quickly get up and go over and hug him, even if it’s backward and my face is planted into his back. I can feel him laugh, although I can’t hear it, and he turns around so I’m actually hugging him. He wraps his arms around my waist and he smells good too, although I’ve never noticed. I laugh slightly.

“What?” He asks, pulling back and looking at my face, concerned. He probably thinks I’m crying again.

“I’ve never noticed how good you smelled.” I say with another laugh, and look down at my hands. He takes one of my hands.

“Come on luv, let’s go back to the room.” He says as we leave my room and go back to his. We’re right outside the door when he stops, turns to me and says, “Do you trust me?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“Just answer it, do you trust me?” He asks once more.

“Well I suppose.” I say and he grins.

“Perfect, just go along with this.” He says, grabbing my hand once more.

“What?” I ask as he rips open the hotel room, and much to my surprise, everyone is awake. Jordyn sees Louis holding my hand, and instantly pales. She obviously doesn’t like what she sees. After her face pales, it turns bright red with anger.

“Hey guys.” Louis says with a smile and squeezes my hand. I smile and avoid Jordyn’s eyes. Man. If looks could kill.

“What up?” Liam asks hesitantly, eyeing the way our hands are entwined.

“Nothing much.” Louis says and we go sit on the couch. As we sit, Louis releases my hand and wraps that arm around my shoulder. I laugh a little into myself, and realize what Louis is doing. He’s helping me make Jordyn jealous. Oh God, I hope this doesn’t come off as a bitch move, really. I’m not a bitch; I just tend to have bitchy tendencies. I lay my head on Louis shoulder and realize how tired I am. I yawn and Louis looks down at me. “Tired, luv?” He asks with a smile, I close my eyes and nod.

“Rachel, can I talk to you?” Jordyn asks, I can hear the agitation in her voice. I sluggishly open my eyes, and Jordyn is standing in front of me, red faced. I sigh, and remove Louis’s arm from around me, I follow Jordyn out to the hallway, and even though I didn’t see them, I’m pretty sure that everyone rushed to the door to listen to what we’re saying.

“What the hell was that?” She asks, bearing into me with angry eyes.

“Déjà vu.” I say, not looking at her, seeing as this is the second time I’ve pissed her off today.

“Oh whatever. Seriously Rachel. You KNOW Louis is my favorite.” She says.

“Oh yeah? Well maybe you should’ve remembered that when Niall asked you out.” I say harshly, finally choosing to look at her. Her angry expression changes quickly from anger, to shock, to sadness.


“Have no answer? Yeah, I figured.” I say, returning my eyes to the floor.

“Rachel, it’s not like that. I mean, if any one of those boys asked you out, wouldn’t you say yes immediately?” She spits out, and I can feel the anger return to her features just by the way she said that.

“No.” I say.

“You’re lying.” She spits.

“No. Seriously. No. I would take other people’s feelings into consideration, then I’d look at my own situation and feelings, and then go from there.” I say, giving my voice an edge as I look up and meet her eyes with my own.

“That’s probably why you’ve never been asked out, you’re too rational for boys!” She says, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

“Oh yeah?! Maybe you’ve never been able to keep a boyfriend for longer than some months because you’re not rational enough!” I say and immediately regret it, and, thankfully, she doesn’t seem fazed by it. Hopefully, she won’t think about it later, I’d be so pissed at myself if later she thought back on what I’ve said and beat herself up over it. This thought, brings me to a realization.

Why are we even fighting? Over BOYS?! This is ridiculous. This isn’t what friends do. Friends think of each other and consider their feelings. Friends are supposed to be there at times like this, not be the ones who cause this aggravations. I look up at Jordyn’s super pissed off face and my stomach sinks. I’m the cause of this, I shouldn’t be questioning why she accepted Niall’s offer, but supporting it because I’m a good friend.

Or am I?

“You know what Rachel? If you’re so rational, why don’t you take your rationality and shove-“

“Jordyn. I’m done.” I say, and put my hands up in defeat. I turn and lower my hands as I start to walk to our room.

“Rachel! Come back! We’re not done here!” Jordyn yells down the hallway after me.

“Yes we are.” I say as I reach our door and I open it before saying, “And on Monday, I’m going home.” And with that, I slam the door, go up to my room, and start to pack my suitcase.

As Happy As I've Never Been...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora