Chapter 18: I didn't think it would end like this

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"Ah. Good to hear." Alejandro deviously grinned at her.

What is he planning? Me and Courtney sat down on a bench since we aren't competing this challenge.

"Okay. You have to eat each bowl of delicious food. Opening your mouth to prove it went down. If you're last to finish or you puke. You go sit with Courtney and Aaron on the Loser bench."

"I am a CIT. I am not a loser." Courtney clarified, leaning on her hand annoyed.

Ever since the whole Gwuncan thing, things seems to be getting worst for her. And she doesn't seem to like taking my advice. Nor does she seem to like me trying to pull her away from Alejandro.

They started eating donkey meat. I watched everyone attempting to eat the meal. I couldn't see Alejandro eat since he dropped something. But he ate it while picking it up.

Everyone finished but Cody and he joined us on the bench. I noticed Courtney eating something.

Thought I don't know where she would get food from since this place seems to serve low quality food. Maybe she's chewing gum... Next they were forced to eat live meal worms.

Blainly seemed to be enjoying the food Chef was giving out. But I won't judge. We all like different things. I still didn't see Alejandro eat because he dropped his hair tie.

Wait a second? You're telling me he can finish his whole bowl of worms while bending over and picking up a hair tie? Okay, that doesn't seem right... what's he up to...

Heather was out next. She barfed right in Chris's face and joined us on the loser bench in frustration.

Courtney continued to eat... whatever she was eating. Heather gave her a look and Courntey turned around and almost puked but swallowed it and coughed.

Okay. So she's not chewing gum. You wouldn't swallow gum.

Okay... something is going on here. Why is she eating something that doesn't taste good?

Next up they were eating starfish on a skewer.  Honestly this just keeps getting worst. Once again, I didn't see Alejandro eat. And Courtney is struggling to eat whatever she is eating.

Wait a minute.... she said she had a strong stomach... he said he found that interesting.....wait a sec.


"Courntey. What are you doing?" I asked.

She pointed at her mouth full of food as an excuse to not answer me.

Duncan was benched next. He sat down next to Heather and noticed Courtney eating.

"You're having a snack while you watch this? You are sick." Duncan stated.

"Oh. You are the last person who should be calling anyone sick." I glared." You know what I find sickening? The fact that you thought it was fine to cheat on Courtney and then act like she's crazy for being mad. You're a real cheat."

Duncan scoffed and rolled his eyes at my remark.


They moved on to the next dish. Chris didn't even know the name of this one. They started singing again. I took this time to ask Courtney someting.

"Psst. Courtney? What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm just enjoying a snack." She answered.

"You sure? That doesn't look like a sn-" I started but my attention was drawn by Heather inturupting their song.

"Wait? Stop! Why does Blainley's food look so much better?" Heather asked.

"It's exactly the same!" Blainly defend quickly.

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