"You'll see shitty hair and you better not tell anyone , and I mean anyone about this or else I'll blow your fucking face of" Bakugou replied in a harsh yet calm tone.

"Okay , Okay, calm down Bakubro" Kiri said while tensing up on the couch.

Bakugou and Kirishima patiently waited for Izuki to come downstairs. After 10 minutes Izuki emerged with a huge blanket wrapped around her.

"Don't freak out Kirishima" Izuki said while clutching onto her blanket.

Izuki  removed her voice modulator so now she sounded more like a girl.

"Midoriya, I promise I won't" kirishima said calmly while getting off the couch and is now standing in front of it.

Izuki walked towards the said couch and took of the blanket revealing herself wearing a denim shorts and the T-shirt that Bakugou bought her which fits perfectly.

"As you can clearly see I am a girl - not a boy" Izuki said with her voice shaking.

Kirishima was in shock and just stood there wide eyed with his mouth open. He stood there and began staring at Izuki.

Bakugou broke the silence with a fake cough which got Kirishima out of his state of shock. "You really do like the shirt I got you , don't ya nerd" He said after he noticed Kiri now staring at Izuki.

"Yeah thanks again for it Kacchan" Izuki said while pulling Kiri by the hands and made him sit next to her on the couch.

Bakugou sat on the other side of the couch next to Izuki. Bakugou and Izuki explained the whole story to Kiri how Izuki is actually a girl and all that. After they finished their explanation Kirishima hugged Izuki.

"Izuki , I hope you know that I'll never judge you. Girl or boy you're still the same kind hearted and optimistic, most bubbliest person I know. You're still the same person I met in class 1A with the crazy awesome quirk. Thank you for trusting me" Kirishima said while hugging Izuki.

Izuki hugged him back and said , "Thank you Kirishima , I really appreciate it"

"Shitty hair you better not tell anyone about this!" Bakugou yelled as he pulled Kirishima away from Izuki.

"I promise you guys , I won't tell a soul" Kirishima replied.

After the confession all 3 of them spoke in the kitchen while Izuki was making them some lunch. She made them all some Soba.

They took their lunch and walked into the lounge. They all sat down on the couch and began eating. Suddenly Izuki's phone rang and she saw her mother calling her and then answered her phone.

"Hey mum"

"Hello Izuki, how was your day honey ?"

"It was amazing mum. Oh and Kacchan's over with a friend for lunch , I hope that's ok"

"Oh no , it's perfectly fine honey"

"Thanks mum , but erm ... where are you ? It's kinda late and you're supposed to be home by now"

"Yes I know Izuki , but you see ... I'm kinda In California right now"

After Izuki heard this she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen while listening to her mother babble about how sorry she was.

"Why are you in California mum ?"

"Well , as I was tryin to explain earlier. I got here about 5 minutes ago and I had to come as a last minute business trip , I'm sorry"

"Oh no , it's cool mum , no need to apologize. You know I can take care of myself now , I'm not a quirkless little girl anymore"

"Yes I know honey , but I would feel better if there was someone with you. I don't want you to be alone"

"Muuuuuummmmm , I said I'm okay , I got this"

"Honey I know you do but I'm still worried. Maybe I should just call All-"

"No no mum , there's no need to bother All Might I said I got this. Hmmm , Okay let's make a deal"

" Hmm  ... I'm listening, what do you propose?"

"Okay , you don't call All Might and I'll keep the self defense system and cameras on the entire time that you're away "


"Good. Now mum when are you coming back ?"

"Hmm , I think Saturday honey"

"No worries , until then I'll keep the self defense system on and I'll call you every night"

"That sounds good honey. I should get going , the cab is here to take me to my hotel. "

"Okay mum , I'll speak to you later. I love you and be safe "

"I love you to Izuki and don't forget about the self defense system. "

And with that said Izuki cut the call and walked back into the lounge. She sat down in between Bakugou and Kirishima and continued eating her lunch. Bakugou and Kirishima just looked at Izuki , puzzled.

She's going to be number 1 (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now