"Sorry, I didn't hear you come in," She takes out her earbuds with a gentle smile, "How was your day?"

"Nothing too special. I had a test in Calculus today. Other than that, I cant think of anything that stuck out. What about you?" I ask dismissively.

She removes the glasses off of her nose to the top of her head, warm eyes staring at me while she beams at me with perfect teeth.

"Oh just work. I could use a break... So I was thinking we could all go bowling as a family." She offers.


The word encases my heart in a heated blanket of love. Jessie is really going to be the death of me. Suddenly I remember almost kissing her son and it ruins my image of what our family could be.

I fake a smile, knowing inside I might cry, "Sure. That'd be cool..."

"Great! Well I have to pick the kids up but Hunter is upstairs if you need anything." She walks over to me then hugs me tightly.

If I didn't need to forget Hunter before, now I do.

• • •

Since I refused to go upstairs, I ended up sitting on the couch bored and texting Andréa. Eventually, Jessie is home followed by the kids and Remy.

They all scramble around to get ready to go, all heading upstairs while Hunter comes down. The silence falls over us immediately and I feel so nervous I could puke. Why couldn't he just wait upstairs?

Hunter sits on the couch on the opposite side. Today he is wearing a football jumper, black skinny jeans, and a pair of checkered Vans high tops. He looked absolutely mouthwatering, with his golden skin peeking out from beneath the white fabric. Plus, the denim hugs him just right in every place, leaving little room for imagination.

The honeycomb blonde looks at me and opens his mouth, "I saw you riding with Andréa today."

I nod, attempting to show that I clearly have no interest in the conversation. At all.

"Look, Jaime, I know you may not want to listen to me but hanging around him isn't a good idea."

Instantly my blood is boiling with rage. Every curse threatens to spill from my mouth. Did he think he could control me just because he has a pretty face and biceps?

"Why?" I counter then face him too, fiercely.

My brown ringlets bounce a little when I crane my neck in his direction. My black "ALIENS ARE REAL" T-shirt shifts from how abruptly I move.

"Because he is bad news. I know him-"

"Oh do you? Well guess what, Hunter? I don't have to listen to you," The words fly from my mouth before I can stop them.

Though it doesn't phase him, it only irritates me further.


The sound of the golden boy's voice is cut off by rumbling down the stairs. Everyone looks excited while Jessie beckons us all to get in the car. I nod and ignore Hunter, who stands with me and grabs his keys.

"Is your car out front or in back?" My voice calls out to Jessie.

The mother of four laughs, "You're riding with Hunter, we don't have enough room in my car."

Jamie (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now