Chapter four

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America POV

As I ran to my house at full speed I kept thinking about what my parents would do. Why do they want me home? I thought they told me not to come home tonight. Oh god what's going to happen to me today? Are they gonna kill me? Focus America! Just focus on where you're going!

As I slowed my pace once I was close to my house I started freaking out mentally. Calm down America. They want you to be scared. Don't give them the satisfaction of that. I thought trying to calm down. "I'm home." I said quietly.

"Hello son." My dad said from the kitchen.

"H- hi dad." I said unsuccessfully trying not to stutter.

"Where were you?" He asked walking closer and closer to me.

"I was at a friends house. You said I could go to a friends house after school." I said my voice full of fear.

"Who's friends house?" He asked. At this point I was backed up against the wall shaking with fear.

"I made a new friend and I was at his house." I tried to explain.

"It better not be a communist." My dad said.

"He's not a communist." I lied but made it sound true.


My dad slapped me hard across my face.

"BULLSHIT!" He yelled. "I know you're lying!" He yelled slapping my face again with great force causing me to fall to the ground.

"S-stop please." I cried.

"Maybe you shouldn't have befriended a fucking communist America." My dad kicked me in the stomach as he threatened me.

"Heh. Looks like payback for earlier bitch!" Canada yelled from the stairs.

"P-please s-stop dad. I... I'm sorry f-for whatever I d-did. J-just please s-stop!" I cried out hoping he would listen but he didn't.

After a couple minutes of my brothers abusing and teasing me I was able to go to my room where I silently cried.

Why do they hate me? I asked myself. I walked over to my mirror in my room grabbed my razor and started to cut myself. You're worthless! You should die! Go kill yourself! Everything my family said replayed in my mind making me cut myself more. Why can't they love me like any other family? I thought crying.


Who texted me? I put the razor down and walked over to my phone to see who texted me.
(S= Soviet A= America)

S: Hey America. Are you okay?
A: Yeah I'm fine
S: Are you sure? If there's something going on please tell me so I can help.
A: I'd rather not talk about it over text. I'll tell you tomorrow at school.
S: Okay. Just know I care about you.

I set my phone down not wanting to chat anymore. I've dealt with enough people today. I start crying remembering Soviet is my only friend.

After a couple hours of crying I looked at the time. 11:45 pm. I sighed and decided I should I should go to sleep. I set my alarm for 6:30 am.

A: Good night Soviet.
S:Good night Ame. Sweet dreams.
A: Sweet dreams. I lightly chuckled at what Soviet sent before falling asleep with a smile on my face.

He's so cute. Wait what no! America stop! I fell asleep with a slight smile and a major blush on my face.

USSR x AmericaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя