Chapter three

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America POV

The bell signaling school was over had rung.

"That's all for today don't forget about the homework." The teacher said.

As I was walking in the halls to wait for Soviet by his locker I heard fighting.

"Fuck off you stupid fucking commie!" I heard Canada yell.

"Нет. Ты обидел Америку и теперь ты должен заплатить!" Soviet yelled.

This is gonna be an interesting fight. I'm gonna watch.

"Stupid commie! Let me fucking go before I break a bone in your body!"

"Нет!" Soviet yelled.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"Хех, попробуй меня."

"Speak fucking English so I understand you."


They soon started to cuss each other out Canada was cussing Soviet out in English, typical. Soviet was cussing Canada out in Russian.

"Canada tu es putain de sucer!" I yelled purposely speaking French because it pisses him off.

"Ne parlez plus jamais français." Canada said in a threatening tone scaring me enough to take a step back.

Soviet lunged at my little brother and told me "Беги ко мне домой!"

I did as he said. I ran. I ran faster than I ever had in my life. I ran like my brothers were chasing me until I reached Soviets house. He soon showed up with a bit of blood on his hand.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Me and Canada got into a fist fight." He replied.

"Oh," was all I said. Suddenly I started to feel light headed due to the fact I didn't eat much.

"America? Are you okay?" Soviet asked.

"No I don't think so," I said falling forward almost fainting. Thankfully Soviet caught me before I fell onto the sidewalk.

"Shit." Soviet mumbled under his breath. Don't ask how I heard that. He picked me up and I was pretty light.

"Dad, I'm home and I have a friend!" Soviet yelled making me wince by how loud his yell was. "Sorry Ame. I had to let my dad know I'm home."

"It's ok," I responded. "By the way were you able to pick me up because I'm light or because of your strength?" I asked when I realized he was still holding me making me blush. Damn it. Why do I have to blush whenever he's around? I thought to myself.

"Who's your..." Soviets dad cut off, "friend... why are you holding him?" He asked looking at us.

"He almost fell outside and I caught him. So I picked him up and carried him in here then forgot I was holding him." Soviet explained.

"He almost fell?"

"Yeah..." Soviet said putting me down.

"Ow! Blyat!" I yelled. Yes I speak some Russian leave me alone. I surprised both of them by yelling that. "I think somethings wrong with my ankle." I said as if I didn't just swear in Russian.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't put any pressure on it. It hurts too much." I said trying to keep the pain out of my voice.

"Do we need to get your ankle x-rayed?" Soviet asked me concerned.

"No need. I can tell easily without needing an x-ray here." Soviets dad said.

"H-how?" I asked.

"Easy. I'm just going to lightly touch your ankle if it hurts it's broken if not probably just a slight pain from being put down to fast." He responds smiling.

"Ow!" I yelled jerking my ankle back right when he touched it.

"Do you need crutches?" Soviet asked me.

"I don't need them as I have good balance on my own but I'd like some just in case I fall or almost loose my balance." I said not even trying to hide the pain in my voice.

"Okay, hold on one sec." Soviet said bolting upstairs.

"Does he usually do that?" I asked.

"No. By the way are you two friends or together?"

"We're just friends!" I replied rather quickly, blushing like crazy.


"We're just friends!" I heard Ame downstairs. Dad why and what did you ask? I thought.

I bolted downstairs after finding the crutches and handing them to America. "Here Ame." I said.

"Thanks Soviet. I appreciate it." Ame said.

"You're welcome." I replied smiling softly.

"You two are pretty good friends huh?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. Ever since lunch earlier today we were friends." Ame said.

"Well I need to go get something. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." My dad said looking at me.

"We won't." Ame said.

After my dad left we sat and talked about our pasts. Ame had a dark and sad past. He burst into tears a couple times and I just comforted him while he cried into my chest.

"A-Ame I... I need to tell you something." I said not looking at him.

"What?" Ame asked.

"I... I... I lo-" I cut myself off. Why can't I tell him I like him?!? "Ne- never mind." I said still not looking at him.

"Okay. Hey Soviet I have a question." Ame said.

"Sure what is it Ame?" I replied.

"What is your sexuality? I'm just curious."

"I'm gay." I replied.

"Same." America said.

Ring ring ring

"My dad is calling me sorry." Ame sounded a bit scared when he said that. "Hello?" He answered.

"Hello bitch." I'm guessing one of his siblings said.

"What do you want Aussie?" Ame asked.

"Get your ass home now." Australia said sounding angry.

"Why?" Ame asked.

"Mum and dad want you home. Now." He finished hanging up.

"Sorry I need to go." Ame said.

"It's fine. Let me walk you home." I replied being nice to offer to walk him home because I have to be nice.

"No I need to walk home alone. They can't know I'm friends with a communist. They all hate communists. I'm the only one in my family who's cool with them."

"Oh." I replied.

"Yeah. Sorry." Ame said running out of my house.

He's quick. I like it.

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