Losing Him

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Did somebody say angst? No? Well too bad. You get fluff first so your welcome.



"Ro! Put me down!" An seven year old Virgil yelled, clinging onto Roman as he spun the two around.

"I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD!" Roman sung. "SHINING, SHIMMERING, SPLENDID!" He stopped, grinning at Virgil. "Tell me princess! Now when did you last let your heart, decide?" Virgil let out a giggle.

"I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder. Over sideways and under, on a magic carpet ride!" Roman put Virgil down, still holding his hands.

"A whole new world!" Roman continued. "A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no! Or where to go! Or say we're only dreaming." He looked at Virgil with pleading eyes, causing Virgil to sigh and giggle.

"A whole new world..." He quietly sung along. "A dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear!" He giggled. "But now I'm in a whole new world with you..."

A round of applaud from behind them caused Roman to laugh. He bowed to him and Virgil's mother, Pandora having her phone out and recording it. Virgil covered his face with his sleeve in embarassment as Roman gave him a side hug.


A nine year old Virgil awkwardly sat on Roman's bed, it was there firsy sleepover. Roman set up the disney movie before sitting next to Virgil and pressing play. He noticed Virgil was sitting at the very end of the bed, far away from him. He frowned and pulled Virgil closer.

"Don't hide from me." He pouted, which made Virgil laugh. They sat in peace, watching Cinderella for the hundredth time. As the credits rolled, Roman noticed that Virgil's breathing had slowed down. He looked up to see Virgil fast asleep.

With a smile on his face, Roman turned the tv off and pulled Virgil under the cover. He cuddled close to the smaller boy, nuzzling his face in the brown mop of hair. A gentle kiss on the forehead before he drifted off into sleep.


Roman held the eleven year old boy close, softly singing a spanish lullaby to him. He tried to calm down as Virgil began to cry. The sounds of shouting downstairs caused Virgil to shake more.

His dad was home, and drunk. It was meant to be a nice sleepover. Roman held Virgil's face and gently kissed his forehead, than his nose, than his cheeks. Then he kissed the tears away.

"Don't cry mi amor. Everything will be fine." Virgil nodded, his grip still tight on Roman's pajama shirt and burying his face into his neck.

Roman let out a soft sigh, rubbing circles in Virgil's back and continuing to lull him to sleep. The both fell asleep at the top of the staircase, Damien had to pick them up and place them into bed. The entire time they refused to let go of eachother.


"Mama!" An twelve year old Roman groaned. "This gift has to be perfect for Virgil. I want this to be our special item!" Maria nodded, looking around the craft shop.

"How about a plush? You can't go wrong with stuffed animals!" Roman's eyes lit up, and he dashed towards the pile of stuffed animals.

He looked at each one, a penguin, a dog, a bear. This gift had to be perfect. Atleast, to Roman it had to be perfect. Eventually Roman noticed a cat plush with a red heart. He picked it up, examing it before nodding and walking back over to Maria.

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