Avoiding Love

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There I sat, staring at the clock on the front wall and completely zoning out the teacher as they ranted on about some homework they had due. Noticing the clock steadily approaching 3:20pm I gathered my belongings and hastily shoved them in my bag just as the bell rang. No one heard the teacher yell out to the flood of teenagers trying to get out of that hell hole.

Hoodie up and head down as I squirmed through the crowded halls, eventually managing to push past into the fresh open air. Then placing my headphones on I sat down, scrolling through Tumblr. Not 10 seconds later, I was tackled into the ground by a very familiar figure. His dirty blonde hair all messy and his glasses askew as he became a giggling mess. This was Patton, my only friend. His light blue eyes sparkled as he helped me up, gently dusting off the dirt from his baby blue polo shirt and straightening his glasses.

"Hiya kiddo!"
"Hey Pat..."
"Guess what!!!"

I looked up suspiciously at my friend, who was jumping all giddy and flustered.


He nodded excitedly and rolled up his sleeve, on his shoulder, inked into his skin, was a small dark blue rose. This caused us both to squeal like pre-teen girls. Obviously getting some weird looks that normally would make me self-conscious, but I was way to happy to care.

"Did you see their face?"
"Noo it sucks, he put his hand on my shoulder and scared off some kids making fun of me! I heard his voice and... it was perfect!"

Again, a fit of squeals exploded between us two, causing the group to our far left to approach.

"If it isn't Mr dark and stormy night."

I wanted to slap the tall man infront of them. Yet I held back for one reason only...




The tall, tanned skinned boy infront of them sneered with his friends, his green eyes like daggers and his perfect dark red hair shaped his face. It was sickening how someone so good looking could be such an ass.

"What do you want Roman?"
"Your squeals are loud."
"You were all the way on the other side of the field! Just suck it up a-"

I was cut off by a brutal punch to the eye. Turning quickly to Patton, the only one (besides my little sister) who new of my situation, gave a small nod, telling me that forming around my eye wasn't a bruise, but instead a red rose tattooed into my skin.

"Patton we need to get out of here now."

We started walking off to the closest bathroom when a tight grip stopped me, I winced in pain as the scars under my hoodie screamed.

"I'm not done with you freak."
"Yes you are."

So with my fight or flight insticts, and the years of training in combat, a swift kick caused Roman to be thrown to the ground. Immediately, I ran.

(That's right Roman's an ass for now)

Patton waved goodbye to me from outside the bus, his outline getting smaller as the bus continued down the road. My stop was a little up ahead, so eventually I got up from my seat and thanked the driver quietly before hopping of the bus. I caught a glimpse of Roman and his best friend/ my neighbor hop off the bus aswell.
Hiding my face for the entire bus drive, which is like 15 minutes, is already pretty stressful in itself but now. Just great.

I wanted to run but instead awkwardly speed-walked up to the front gate, feeling Roman and his friend staring at me. Before I could shut the gate I heard a voice behind me.


The 13 year old girl ran up and tackled me to the ground. Completely unaware of Roman and his friends gaze, I became a giggling fit at the pale girl infront of me. Her face was covered in freckles like stars in the sky. Her pastel shirt and gray shorts were dirty and her brownish red hair became messy and untamed. I noticed a small bandaid on her cheek.

"Eve what happened?"
"Just bullies..." Her smile faltered before returning to her bright and cheerful persona, she often hid her sadness.

"Don't use acting against me missy!"

With a swift motion Eve was on the ground in a giggling fit.

"As great of an actress you are, I can tell when you're sad... and what did I say about calling me kitty!?"
"It's... your... name!" She managed to get out through giggles.

I stopped tickling her. She wasn't wrong, my parents were on vacation in Rome before my birth, they wanted to remember it so they named me Virgil Feles, Feles means 'kitty' in latin.

(I used google translate so if it's wrong sorry ;^;)

"Shut up Moon!"

Eve's middle name was Luna sooo...

"I like my middle name, it means moon and yours means kitty so hah!"

Little drama queen

Then I heard a small laugh from behind me, I didn't want to turn around just incase it was who I thought it was. Looking at Eve she looked behind me, than nodded.


"Alright Eve we're going inside right now."
"Aww come on kitty! "

I physically tensed up to hear Roman calling out to me, making me walk faster. I was halfway up the path before I heard a scream.


Eve had only now noticed the rose around my eye.
Oh boy...
You see, as kind and innocent Eve seems, she was extremely capable and protective of me. Within seconds she was marching up to the fence line between us and Roman, I turned around at the perfect time...

Eve had stood up on the fence and straight up punched him in the face causing me to stiffle my laughter.

"Ok Eve I don't want to have to dispose of another body!" I called out jokingly, not helping the thankfully distracted pair of jocks.

"Aww fine!" She playfully whined as she jumped of the fence and proudly continued down the path that led to our house and opened the door for me, I thanked her and went inside...


Roman's POV

I glared at Remy as he tried (and failed) to hide his laughter. Unamused I had to help myself up and dust of my new bomber jacket, before turning my face to a laughing mess with sunglasses.

"I think I'm gonna like that kid!"
"Shut up!"
"That was a K.O.!"
"Yeah and it hurt like hell..."

After Remy had calmed down and we entered his house. He suddenly looked at my knuckled and gasped.

"Dude when did you meet your soulmate?"

I stared at my knuckle, there gently inked to my skin was a purple rose. I literally fell out of my chair.

"That's weird..." Remy quietly whispered under his breath.
"What's so weird?"
"It's just... now I might be going crazy but!"
"Just spill!"
"Ok! So that kid next door right?"
"The girl?"
"NO! The other guy!"
"The emo? What about him?"
"Now don't freak but I'm like 99% positive he had a red rose tattooed into his skin around his eye... right where you punched him..."
"Connect the dots real-quick"




emo freak = soulmate?
emo freak = SOULMATE


Roses (Prinxiety Soulmate AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang