Disastrous Dating

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Me, reading the comments: Look at my children getting along


Roman took a seat with his friends, pulling out a notebook. He began scribbling down ideas for the Virgil and Remus situation. Scott noticed his frustrated expression and snatched the notebook from his grasp. He began reading over the notes, despite Roman's protests. The commotion had caused the rest of the table to look in their direction.

"What's this, some kind of elaborate prank?" Scott asked, Roman had an idea.

"Yeah. I thought it would be funny to set up that emo shit with someone guaranteed to break his heart." He lied, beggining to doubt his own plan. Kids at the table nodded. One boy, Liam, spoke up.

"Who would willingly go out with that? " he asked, fake gagging.

"I was thinking my brother, he's a flirt, has some of my good looks, doesn't care about others feelings and seems like Virgil's type with the dark clothes." Roman didn't notice the glare that Remy sent him.

Scott got up and called to a few tables over. "Hey Remus!" The teenager in question looked up from his lunch. "We have a deal for you."

Virgil waved goodbye to Patton, the latter entering the library with his new found soulmate. He began walking towards the wchool garden, but stopped in his tracks when Roman blocked his path. The shorted had to look up to meet his eyes.

"Hey Romeo, what do you want?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the actor.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school today." Roman asked.

Virgil looked behind Roman, seeing Aria practically fuming as she watched the interaction between the two. He rolled his eyes and looked Roman once again.

"You have a girlfriend, who is currantly glaring daggers at me, to ask on a date. Not interested Princey." Roman glanced over his shoulder, waving Aria off and turning back to the shorter male.

"Not a date, just to hang out. Please?" Virgil scrunched up his nose as he thought for a moment. "I have work anyways so I can't." Roman's posture fell.

"What if I meet you there. You work at that little café, correct?" Virgil slowly nodded. "Great! Well see you there!" The actor left before Virgil could respond.

Aria stormed up to Virgil, looking down on him. "You do realize that this is just a prank right? Roman wants to set you up with someone guaranteed to break your heart." Virgil's heart sank in his chest, he felt stupid for believing there was something there.

"Right..." was all he said before walking off towards the garden. Aria flicked her long ponytail before following after Roman towards the amphitheater where the rest of there friends had been watching from.

The day continued onward, the two barely acknowledging eachother besides that one interaction. The final bell couldn't have come sooner for Virgil, who was not eager to leave his favourite class just to head to work. However he began packing up the paintbrushes, listening to the art teacher speaking.

"Alright class, I'll see you guys Wednesday! Also don't forget to take home your paintings from last week." Mrs Willow told the class. Students got up, walking over to their individual canvases. Virgil did the same, approaching the eisel where his painting sat. He picked up the canvas, running his fingers over his signature before picking up his school bag and leaving the classroom.

Virgil approached the bus stop, pulling out his work uniform for him to get changed into. He waited for Patton, who eventually appeared with Logan right behind him. Virgil didn't mind Logan, he was good company and helped keep his anxiety from getting too out of hand.

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