Birthday Bash

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Alright so I've been procrastinating but I wanted to get a chapter out before my school's performance which is (as I post this) tonight. So here's a kinda flashback I guess? Sorry if it sucks but yeah that's my excuse for such a short and shitty chapter. Also peoples reaction to the last chapter.

Me: ROMANO GET OVER HERERoman: What do you-M4s0j41: *bitch slaps Roman* NO! JUST NO!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Roman: What do you-
M4s0j41: *bitch slaps Roman* NO! JUST NO!




It can be a dangerous thing, especially to soulmates. Something about seeing your loved one with another can make things in your brain snap. The reaction may be increased if it's your soulmate. Most people learn to control it, meeting their soulmate at an older age. Others experience jealousy at a young age and, with their less developed mental state, this can lead to quicker and more... extreme reactions.


Virgil rushed down the stairs, skipping every second step before landing at the bottom of the staircase. His older brother was lounging on the couch as his six year old sister sat on the carpet. Damien looked up from his phone, sending a smile to his younger brother.

"Hey Kitty. Happy twelfth birthday," He said, walking over to Virgil and ruffling his hair. "Mitéra and Patéras should be home from work in time for your party."

The younger boy nodded, joining his sister on the floor. She looked up from whatever she was doing and smiled.

"Happy birthday Kitty!" She jumped up and hugged him, Virgil hugged back.

A couple of hours later and a small gathering of kids, Virgil's siblings, and his parents were running around the two storey house. The birthday boy was sitting on the kitchen counter, nervously staring at the door. His mother approached him, gently nudging him.

"Still waiting for someone?" She asked, tucking a strand of her long dark brown hair behind her ear. Virgil sighed.

"What if he forgot Mitéra?" He asked, looking up at her. She shook her head and kissed the boys temple.

"My stormcloud, he cares for you. He would never forget your birthday. Besides, I just got off the phone with Mrs Prince. They'll be here soon." Pandora reassured. Virgil smiled slightly, still looking doubtful.

However Virgil's doubts were destroyed when the sound of a car pullingup outside alerted the two. Damien ooened the door and Virgil practically tackled his soulmate into a hug. Roman laughed, hugging him back. When they pulled away, Virgil noticed two people behind Roman. He recognized Roman's mother, but there was also a girl that Virgil didn't recognize.

Roses (Prinxiety Soulmate AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin