"Sheriff, please," Deaton regained the older man's attention. "Let me help. I've dealt with things like this before."

The teenagers looked at Noah in anticipation, watching him shake his head. Finally, he sighed. "Just, just do it fast," he muttered.

Scott quickly pushed up his sleeves and looked at Deaton, who nodded once. Both carefully picked up Tracy, everyone stepping out of the way. Before disappearing, Scott looked at Sierra.

"You follow Lydia to the hospital," he said. "I'll head there right after we stop by the clinic."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Sierra asked, unsure.

"We'll be fine, Sierra," Deaton assured her.

"Promise you'll text me if anything goes wrong?"

"I promise."


"Stiles, honey, I love you, but if you keep tapping your foot I'm gonna break it."

Stiles instantly stopped from his girlfriend's threat, his foot pausing midair. He turned to Sierra, guilt pulling his lips down into a frown once he saw her anxiously leaned forward with her elbows on her knees. "I'm sorry, string bean. I'm not really helping the tension, am I?"

Sierra sighed, sitting straight up and facing him. "No, but I shouldn't have snapped like that either. I'm sorry, Stiles. I'm just worried."

"We're all worried," Stiles assured her, resting a comforting hand on her back, "but Lyd's a fighter. She'll be okay."

"Scott said that he's almost here," Kira spoke up quietly from where she sat across from them in a similar plastic chair. Her eyes scanned the new message that popped up on her phone screen. "And that Liam is with him."

"Good," Sierra blew a heavy breath from her lips, Stiles moving his hand to hold her own. "That's good."

"Liam's the sophomore, right?" Theo's voice caused everyone to glance his way. Except he only looked at Stiles. "The one who was with you in the woods?"

Stiles didn't answer, already annoyed at Theo's presence. He had hoped Theo would go home after joining them at the police station, but Theo claimed he wanted to make sure Lydia was alright.

And Sierra didn't have the heart to tell him no.

"Yes, Liam's the one who was with Stiles in the woods," Sierra finally replied when she realized Stiles purposely decided to keep his mouth shut. "He became mine and Scott's beta when Scott accidentally bit him last year."

"Well, if he's been training with you and Scott I can see why he's so intimidating," Theo commented, offering her a smile.

"Eh, we've taught him a few things," Sierra shrugged, returning the grin much to Stiles's displeasure. "But Liam's always been strong on his own. Scott and I just help him keep control when he, you know, gets angry and stuff."

"Oh, look, Scott's here," Stiles changed the subject quickly, raising to his feet from seeing his best friend and shooting Sierra a warning glance. She had revealed information about Liam too easily in his opinion, almost as if she was letting her guard down in front of Theo--just like Scott was starting to do.

Have they learned nothing about trusting people too easily?

Sierra didn't notice the look from him, her face brightening at the sight of Scott and Liam rushing towards them. Theo smiled softly in her direction, accidentally catching Stiles's eye in the process.

Stiles glared but stayed quiet, moving closer to Sierra as she started to talk with Scott.

"Anything new yet?" Scott questioned her.

Gather The Ashes || Stilinski || Book Three Where stories live. Discover now