Chapter 5

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Xiao Bai Yue readies herself for a magnificent and heroic entrance.

"..... Lady Arriana, you really have the courage to come" A mocking voice behind her said, Xiao Bai Yue turned around and identified the girl as the Heroine's little sister, Emerald Rose Romanov.

Emerald Rose Romanov is a well known child prodigy in the Noble Circle. Her ability is Green Flames, suitable for healing and also deadly attacks, because of this, she was fought over by Master's in the Kingdom.

Emerald grew up pampered and arrogant because of her unique ability, in short, she does not know how high the Sky is.

"I naturally have the courage to come, why don't you also have the courage to leave? I came here because I have to attend the school, it's mandatory to graduate, or have you forgotten that part?" Xiao Bai Yue will be damned if she don't atleast shot a remark back, sick and tired of being talked down by people related to the Protagonist of the protagonist themselves.


[Warning! White Moonlight Halo System must issue a punishment!] The System came out again

'On what grounds!? Arianna is an arrogant girl, I am just doing what she would do, just more aggressive but its not OOC! If I act nice and all, it's more OOC and they will think something is wrong. Honestly, so much for being a System, it's only a decoration' Xiao Bai Yue puffed up her cheeks inwardly


"........You dare talk back to me!?" Emerald pointed at Xiao Bai Yue who gave a mocking smile

"Because I can, it's my free will. Besides, don't your parents and teacher taught you that pointing on someone is rude? Tell me, did they teach you etiquette and manners? How uncouth" Xiao Bai Yue snickered

"Arianna Celestine Moon!" Emerald was flustered, hearing the snickering from all around, it was unknown since when they had attracted the attention of the crowd

Frankly speaking, Emerald is very good at fighting, trained ever since she was young and more inclined to the War Tactics and Practical Skills. Etiquette and Manners, she ignored them. No one could fault her, she had powers to shut yiu up, you can't argue with that. As a result, her choice of words are very poor and...... Well, limited.

"I am already in front of you, what are you calling I, your Ancestor's name for?" Xiao Bai Yue raised a brow, Emerald looked very angry.

She did not suffer such disrespect and people talking back to her. Even her parents are reluctant to scold her, yet this girl... This waste dared humiliate her! Unacceptable!

Emerald summoned her flames, Xiao Bai Yue raised a brow, "Attacking a Senior with Magic while not in the Arena is prohibited and is a punishable offence. Everyone knows this rules. Miss Romanov just because you have extraordinary talent it does not mean you can disregard the rules. Or does the Romanov Family did not put the Academy in their eyes? I wonder... Will the Academy willing stand if you slap them in the face? I am telling you now, even if you're powerful, you cannot bear offending the Academy. You cannot afford the consequences" Xiao Bai Yue smiled, this little argument, Xiao Bai Yue dared dragged in the big guns.

Everyone was stunned. This Little Trash dared bring in important affairs in such trivial matter. Such big guts!

"You dare!" Emerald exclaimed and held herself from roasting the girl in front of her

"I dare argue with you in front of the School Gates, what is there that I am afraid of doing? Do you need to be reminded that you had started the argument?" Xiao Bai Yue smiled


'Shut up! If we don't stand up today, then how will we raise your chin up high in the future!?'


"It was you who escalated it!" Emerald was unwilling to accept admitting her fault in front of so many students.

"Is that so? Could I let you bully me? Does the Moon Family so easy to be bullied in front of your eyes? Littls girl, could it be that you 'Allow the Official to start a fire and banned the commoners from lighting up their lanterns'? Very good, if a little Young Lady like you thinks so, then what would the Romanov famy think? Truly, how will the lower status like ourselves live in the future? We'd be bullied to death ah!" Xiao Bai Yue patted her chest as if she was scared.

Everyone can see through that she was acting, but they cannot help but open the pits in their brains and began assuming alot of things.

Trully, Romanov Family had produced two talented ladies and they are valued. Subtle as it was, its still noticeable to some, Romanov family had grown arrogant, Emerald showcase of arrogance and Domineering attitude is a proof to that.

"Plus, Young Lady Romanov is a child prodigy capable of melting even the strongest metal in the kingdom, could it be that you wish to kill a Trash like me? In the School grounds for suffering small grievance? Young Lady, put the face of the Academy, your Romanov Family, and the Moon Family into account, you cannot kill just about anyone. I believe that Miss Romanov is not capable of murder!" Xiao Bai Yue exclaimed loudly, causing everyone's gaze turned weird when it landed on Emerald and her flames, little by little they began stepping back

"ARIANNA CELESTINE MOON!!! Today you will not have a good ending! I'll make sure of that!" Emerald exclaimed and wailed, running off.

"Lady Moon, are you not afraid of being ambushed on your way home?" one of the students voice out

"Not afraid. What is there to be afraid of? Even if I die today, it would not be a mystery who is the killer. You heard it yourself, if something were to happen to me today outside the arena, the one to take responsibility... You know very well" Xiao Bai Yue flashed a bright smile making the student blushed

Xiao Bai Yue entered the school gates with a slight smile.

[Host, you really should take the 'Becoming the Best Villainess in History' off of your head. With me arou d, it'll never happen] the System said

'You wish, I am not giving up. Besides, if I win today, no one will look down on me, but if the Heroine won, with my play with Emerald by the gates that is surely spread around by the end of the day.... He won will be humiliating and could not be considered victory but an act of revenge and bullying. No matter how she explain, she will only dig a pit for herself' Xiao Bai Yue said


'Yo, can you please shut up? I am also doing this for myself. Could it be you want a White Moonlight that can easily be knocked down by a gust of wind? Everyone like a strong and independent woman, the wilder and stronger they are, the more men wanted to tame them. It has always been like this. I mean, have you seen Senior Cordilia? Look at the puppies following around her, so many that it make it seems ridiculous, even if she already had a husband. They still keep coming like tsunamis' Xiao Bai Yue said

[In short, you want a harem, you greedy child]

'No, I want to be great Villainess that can proudly said I had defeated countless of Heroines! Isn't that great?!' Xiao Bai Yue exclaimed

[Devious girl]

'Thanks for the compliment'

[It's an insult]

'To me it is not, it's a motivating compliment!'

[......] the system expressed his unwillingness to interact with this weird host, 'Why do I have such disobedient Host? To be in the same boat as her is terrible! It's a Pirate Ship ah!'

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