"Is she-"

"Far as I know, she's okay."

Poor Squirt, all that sass and humor confined to a hospital bed. No kid deserves to experience a scare like that.

Ella reaches into her bag, pulling out concealer. I don't say anything as she rubs the wand against my skin. "Everything will be okay."

We wait, Ronnie crawls into my lap once Ella finishes up. "Ashy, can I see Saffy?"

"Not yet, Ronz." I pull her close, trying to ease her worry. The sooner she's able to fall asleep the better.

The door bursts open, John appearing breathless still dressed in his pajamas. "Where are they?"

Before anyone can reply a woman walks into the room.

"Holy shit." Gabe says, "Tonight can't get any worse."

Ms. Miller stands there, in a big shirt and pajama pants, looking nothing like our teacher. I rub my eyes, hoping to find that they're just playing tricks on me after a long night.

Nope. Scarlett's going to go into shock, then she'll have a heart attack.

"Maybe you should wait here." Ella offers, sending a pointed look at Ms. Miller.

John hesitates, clearly conflicted before sitting in a chair opposite of me. Great. I avoid his gaze, very happy I listened to Gabe. I focus on Ronnie, whispering reassurance in her ear as she calms down.

Ella's dad gets here, saying a brief hello before making calls on his phone in the corner of the room. Part of me wants to ask why he's here but I don't have the energy.

I don't pay attention to what he says, none of us really do. I carry Ronnie over and set her in a chair, placing my jacket over her as a blanket. Stella comforts Sam. Zev takes his jacket and forms in into a ball under his brother's head.

And then there were six.

"How was she?" John asks, it takes a moment for me to understand he's talking to me. He's never spoken to me this nicely, especially without the word punk attached to his sentence.

"Not good." I offer, "She went from fear and shock to impassive in a matter of seconds. It was scary."

He rubs his face, letting out a distraught sound. "Here we go again."

Ms. Miller rubs his back, stopping when she notices us staring at her with varying degrees of horror on our faces.

That's never not going to be weird.

"I think I'm going to get us some coffee. Do you kids want anything?" She asks uncomfortably.

We all shake our heads, watching her flee the room. John avoids us as he texts someone on his phone, at least he knows they're going to freak out.

Sage walks in minutes later, his face red and blotchy. John's up in seconds, tackling him in a hug.

It strange to see Sage cry, a smile usually stuck on his face. "Some lady's in the hallway talking to Scarlett."

Dave hangs up the phone, stiffening like a board. "What do you mean?"

He pulls at his hair, "I don't know. She had red hair, wore a suit. Looked rude."

Dave lets out a swear, tugging harshly on the door. I catch a glimpse of Scarlett as the door closes, hugging her sides.

We don't say anything, John moving towards the door to listen in. Muffled voices flow into the room before a sob breaks through. And another. Dave sneaks inside, a grim look on his face. John goes for the door, but he shakes his head.

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