Chapter Forty-Six: Love and War

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Friday, November 1st, 5:10pm

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Friday, November 1st, 5:10pm

I've gone to Club Azure everyday trying to find Cal and every time he's not there. He could be the key to finding out who actually killed Kian.

I pace back and forth in my room waiting for the right moment to leave, I've gone out every night to this bar and waited. I swear my parents are going to start asking questions so I have to leave at the right moment when they aren't paying attention.

My Mom asked me to stop looking into things, I can't risk her knowing that I'm still looking I will most definitely get grounded or- I don't even know.

I crack my door open and pier out, I can't see the living room from my room so I have no idea why I even tried to look.

I grab my back from the floor and throw it over my shoulder before leaving my room. If I was going to leave I just have to do it before it's too late.

Both my parents are sitting on the couch in the living room, they've been doing the same thing for the past week. I peek around the wall to see them watching TV. I slowly walk past the living room and put my hand on the door handle.

"Maggie? Where are you going?" My Mom's voice echoes towards me.

I stand in the door frame of the living room entrance.

"I'm going to meet up with Adrian, we're going to the cafe. I think we're working on the paper." I smile through my lie.

"You've gone out at this time yesterday too."

"Coincidence." I shrug.

"Well have fun and bring us home a tea if you can." My Mom smiles.

"Yeah, for sure... bye."

I run out the door and get onto my motorcycle.

Now I have to make two stops and I don't even know how long I'll have to wait for Cal to show up. I don't even know if he is going to show up.

I pull into the parking lot beside Club Azure, the sign is glowing neon. The only reason I can see the light coming off of it is because the sun is hiding behind the trees.

I take a deep breath before walking inside.

I stop once I get inside, it's hard to see if he's here because of all the neon signs. I have to squint to distinguish anyones faces.

My eyes stop when I see a guy with black hair sitting in the back corner, and I know it's Cal because I can't forget the way the neon lights made his eyes look.

"Bingo." I mumble.

I make my way over to where he's sitting, tonight he's alone so I have a higher chance of getting him to talk to me.

"Uh hi. It's Cal right, my friend and I talked to you a couple weeks ago." I smile.

"Oh hi, it's Gala right?"

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