Chapter Four: Young and Menace

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Monday, September 9th, 7:00am

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Monday, September 9th, 7:00am

After everything that happened on Tuesday, School was cancelled for the rest of the week.

I walk out from my room in the morning and into the Kitchen to see my Dad surprisingly making breakfast.

"I thought since the week this whole town has had, I'd make breakfast."

"Great." I nod and sit down at the table.

"Some bacon and pancakes, I hope it's still your favorite." My Dad smiles as he places the plate down in front of me.

"Yeah thanks." I purse my lips.

My Dad was never like this when I left, I can't remember one meal we had together before I left.

"Dad. What's up? You never cook."

My Dad sits down at the table.

"I just want you to know that I'm here for you if your in danger. I am a gang leader after all."

"I know Dad and I'm fine, just because someone dies doesn't mean you have to start being a good Dad." I say as I take a bite of bacon.


"I've gotta' go, I'm gonna be late."

I pick up my bag from the floor by the door and run out to my motorcycle.

I ride all the way to Ace's house and stop out front. I hop off my motorcycle and walk up to her house knocking on the door.

"Hello- Maggie?" Ace's Mom says.

"Hi." I smile awkwardly.

"What are you doing here? And back in town?"

"Thought it was time to come back." I smile and slowly nod.

I hate saying that over and over again, I wish people would just accept that I'm back and not ask why.

"And uh... I'm sorry for your loss." I gulp.

"What are you doing here Maggie?"

"Uh... is Ace home?"

"Yes, Alec, is home." She stares a me.

"I was wondering if, Ace, and I could go to School together?"

"Alec, isn't going to School today."

"Do you know when she is?"

"I don't know when, he, is sorry." And with that a door was slammed in my face.

I turn on my heal and walk back to my motorcycle. Once I joined the gang her parents went from adoring me to hating me.

Ace was right when she said that her parents weren't as excepting of her transition as others. I've only know about it for about a week and I'm already used to it. I feel bad that she has to live with that, especially now that her brother is gone.

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