Chapter Thirty-Six: Dig Your Grave

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Friday, October 18th, 7:25am

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Friday, October 18th, 7:25am

The news was already all around town as the night went on. That Conner Martin one of Hill High Schools star Basketball players turns out to be Kian Turner's killer.

No one is even questioning if it's a lie or not, they just believe, believe and believe. But what's in believe, lie. People need to learn the facts before they believe, because all of them are believing in something that isn't true.

I'm the only one that knows they're wrong, about all of it.

I walk out of my room and into the Kitchen to see my Dad at the table with his feet kicked up flipping through the Newspaper.

"I take it back, I'm glad you punched that Martin kid, he deserves it."

I turn on the kettle and grab a cup.

"You've really got to be sick in the mind to kill someone. And to think I thought that kid had such a bright future going for him."

The kettel starts to boil, I clench the edge of the counter with my hands.

"Truly sickening."

I slam my hands down onto the table and turn around to face my Dad, "It wasn't him, Conner is being framed." I try to say as calmly as I can.

"I know your in denial because you dated him but-"

"I know that it wasn't him, the proof they have is very testy."

"Well try convincing the town otherwise."

"I will," I walk over to the door and put my shoes on, "Just watch me."

I pick up my bag from the ground and walk out of my house, slamming the door behind me. I clench my fist as I walk to my motorcycle, I ride down the street, all of last night is still running through my mind on replay as if there will be something I didn't see before.

The Police walked in as the whole Basketball team stood off to the side of the gym. The Principal was talking when the Detective walked right over to Conner and put him in handcuffs. I couldn't hear what they said to him, but over all the whispers I quickly figured it out.

I distinctly remember looking over at Adams and him looking over at me before both of us ran down from the stands and over to Adrian who was following after Conner.

We arrived at the Police Station, but Detective Lana made us wait there until further notice, then I called Jade, everything after that is one big blur of words that I'm still trying to make sense of.

But none of it is making any sense.

I walk into the School and over to where the gang is standing.

I lean up against a locker and cross my arms as I stare down at the ground.

"You look like you're about to explode." Clark says.

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