Chapter Twenty-Five: Get Stüpid

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Sunday, October 6th, 6:40pm

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Sunday, October 6th, 6:40pm

" You two keep the house clean tonight and make sure that you don't make a mess with the popcorn." My Mom says as I walk her and my Dad to the front door, Oscar following behind me.

"We know." I sigh.

"We should be back tomorrow morning around 10. Be safe." My Dad says as they walk out of the house.

I close the door behind them, I quickly whip around to face Oscar.

"Now we wait for Maggie." I smile.

"I still don't understand why you invited her to guys night." Oscar says as I walk past him.

I look over my shoulder, "Because she's had a rough week and we could get some investigating in before watching a movie." I explain as I walk into my Kitchen.

"Still, I bet you wouldn't have invited her over if you didn't have a crush on her." Oscar says.

I turn around to face Oscar once I reach the island.

"I don't have a crush on her. How many times do I have to say that?" I ask.

"As many as you need till you realize that you do." Oscar says.

I sigh as I rub my temples, "I'm going to put in the popcorn while you pour chips into a bowl and we are not going to talk about this for the rest of the night."

"If I see you two flirting I will say something." Oscar says.

"Were not going to be flirting," I point down at a bowl and then over to a bag of chips, "Chips in the bowl."

I walk over to the microwave and pop the bag of popcorn inside.

"God people do not know how to drive!"

I turn around to see Maggie storming into my Kitchen.

"Well hello to you too." I say.

"Sorry, but honestly can no one in this town drive!" Maggie yells.

"I don't know how to drive so I'm going to say yes." Oscar smiles.

The microwave beeps, I grab the bag of popcorn out and walk over to where Maggie and Oscar are standing.

"Well you're just on time. Popcorn is ready to be eaten." I smile as I open the bag and pour it into the bowl.

We make our way to the living room. Maggie sits down on the chair that's in the very corner of the room while Oscar and I sit down on the couch.

"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Maggie asks.

"We haven't picked it yet, we were thinking that we could do some investigating first." I explains.

"It's no use we aren't going to figure it out." Maggie says.

"What? You're the one that wanted to look into it." Oscar says.

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