Jason Todd ~ The Bats Baby Girl Part 2 ~

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I grunted in pain and disgust as my skin glued itself to the wooden floorboards. This was probably the hundredth time this has happened today too.
"I'm going to need to get stuff if you want dinner." I said pushing myself up off the floor for the millionth time.
"Food that's what you're thinking off?" Jason demanded grabbing my fist and turning around my body before twisting it up behind my back.
"I-just thought of it!" I growled through gritted teeth trying to free myself from his painful hold.
"Think about this!" and I once again was sent sprawling on the floor. The floor creaked, groaning under me in complaint and I grimaced.
"Dammit..." I sighed feeling the bruises already forming as I tried to catch my breath. The floor unlike the temperature of my skin was cool it almost felt nice if it wasn't for the fact I was sticking to it from sweat.
"You're weak." he scoffed standing over me his body gleaming from a light sweat, I on the other hand was soaked. My hair was gross my bangs plastered to my forehead. My sports bra was soaked through the tank top showing off my glorious sweat stains that out numbered the dry spots, if there were any at this point.
"However you're improving."
I blinked in shock forcing myself up as he walked across the room grabbing up a water bottle and taking a few sips.
"I'm what?"
"I thought I told you not to ask questions." Jason turned his usual glare on me and I blinked in surprise.
"Are you going to sit there or do you plan on going shopping like that?" He demanded gruffly turning to the corner of the room and beginning to gather up all the equipment. I stared at him like a deer in headlights for a moment completely perplexed.
He had probably rolled his eyes but I leapt up feeling new energy surge through my veins as I did.
"Give me twenty-thirty minutes!" and with that I was scrambling for the bathroom.


I had just finished combing my wet hair when he complained for the millionth time.
"What the hell takes so long! You're not going on a date! Hurry up!"
"I just need pants give me a second!" I hollered back through the door and I could hear him snap back in an annoyed tone. But I couldn't be bothered. I was too excited to be angry or even annoyed.
It had been two months since I'd come to stay at Fortress de Jason. Life had set up a pretty normal routine finally too.
I cooked, cleaned, and took care of his wounds. He paid the bills, if there were any sometimes I wondered because there wasn't any mail, not even receipts for food or his bike and all its snazzy parts, he trained me until I dropped, hid me from prying eyes. Up until a few days ago he had also been in charge of shopping however after I'd sent him back to the store for the third time he finally, if angrily, agreed that it'd be easier if I just went with him to buy ingredients for food and the like rather than give him the list. I hadn't been out of the house since I got here, if only because going out alone was just dumb, and then there was also Damian, Dick and Tim still looking for me. Dad probably was too but I feel he had finally gotten the message that right now I wanted space because Jason had only caught wind about those three looking for me, some information he'd surprisingly volunteered without me asking him about anything, or making hints and suggestions as to my own curiosity in hopes he'd finally answer me and not get mad for breaking rule #1.
"Why do girls take so fucking long to-"
"I'm done!" I pulled the bathroom door open grinning. Jason turned his annoyed gaze on me before pausing seemingly startled. "Uh..."
His eyes lingered on my body making me shift uncomfortable. I had dressed, not up, but nicer than the casual stuff I wore around the apartment with Jason or when we were training. Instead I had slid into a scarlet short sleeved tailored button up, my black high waisted jeans accented by them. On my feet were a pair of black combat boots. Thrown overtop was My black north face rain jacket.
"Um...food shopping?" I reminded him as he continued to eye my outfit. He quickly straightened giving me a cocky smirking look.
"Dressed like this makes me remember you are a rich brat after all not some sweaty Monkey."
"Sweat-Hey!" but he was already moving off through the apartment towards the fire escape.
"Hurry up or I'll leave you behind."
"Do I have to go down that way? It's not a question but uh I feel more comfortable using the front door-"
Jason scowled at me from the other side of the open window. His frown was enough to tell me what he believed. I hesitantly stuck one off balance leg through the window nervously ducking down.
Jason it seemed didn't have the patience for this as he growled loudly and next second I was yanked through the window. but I could have sworn as he dumped me on the fire escape platform that something had pushed my head down so it wouldn't collide with the window sill. But seeing as the next moment Jason leapt down landing on his feet I was probably mistaken.
"Hurry up!"
"I'm-I'm coming!" I called perplexed before hastening to follow only I used the ladder. Two feet from the ground I jumped off feeling a sense of accomplishment, as the rickety ladder clattered back up into place. Turning around Jason was already exiting the alleyway.
"No point in saying wait up." I grumbled before racing after him.
"Put these on. And don't look at anybody." Jason tossed a pair of aviator sunglasses as we strolled down the alley.
"Are they necesssry-right no questions." I stated sliding them on when he glowered at me as we turned the corner. But we were no further than four blocks away when it seemed we crossed the border into a much more dangerous part of Gotham.
"Keep walking don't look-"Jason glanced at me as I did what he said before taking gloved hand and tapping my chin forcing my head back up. "Look ahead don't act the victim."
"Hey cutie not from here? Ditch the jacket and come hang out. I'll show you some of my favorite spots round the town."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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